I still have a bunch of letters that I need to send you. I will try and get those out tomorrow. That's important. I should not have let them sit that long.
Here is Lily's project though. I realized after the fact that you probably cannot read what she wrote on there. She did a very good job. She is working on trying to write in cursive. She has her name down pretty good. If you can see that.
She had fun eating at church. But she was mad mad mad when I cleaned her mess up. She was not done and I started cleaning her area up and she was not happy with me. It almost sounded like she was growling at me because I took her good away. She's a mess.
Sleep in my house? No no, I heard you say sleep ON my house. He is a trip. I had to clean his cage because jerk face got a touch of separation anxiety and while I was gone destroyed his cage. I am not exaggerating either, he destroyed it. So it got all scrubbed out today.
I am kind of nervous going out of town this weekend and leaving Chester out. Mom said something about it supposed to be freezing all weekend too. I feel bad leaving her out if the temps at night are supposed to be that low.
Have a good day my love. I love you so very much! I cannot wait until you are home again...
Good night
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