Sunday, January 3, 2016

Eternal Summer

So that Florida weather everyone has been griping about all Christmas is welcome to come back at any time! Well...I don't know...maybe a few more days of colder weather would be nice. But it is cold. BRRRRRR!!!
So I am not sure if I injured myself or slept wrong or it is the weather. But when I got up this morning my knee and my hip hurt so bad I could barely move. It hurt all day today. It wasn't as tight as it was when I first got up but it was sore all day long. So then...on top on feeling sick...I have a "pimp limp" LOL!

Luckily school doesn't start back until Wednesday! WEEEEEE!!!!! Hopefully I can get myself back together by then. Poor Mason....I made everyone kind of veg today so I could rest and about the time I fall asleep Mason is in my face. "I'm Bored...Are you sick? Why are you sleeping?" LOL. I said I hope I'm not sick but it sure feels like it.

So I got to use my Christmas present from mom tonight! I. AM. SO. EXCITED!!!! I haven't shown it to you yet. I kind of gave her some hints of things I wanted and I think she did a fantastic job!
I got to make beef stew in my/OUR new cast iron dutch oven.....WHAT!!!!!! It was pretty yummy. Everybody ate everything. Addison had two plates. Christian liked it so much he didn't even question the HUGE mushrooms, just gobbled it down and then ate all the juices. Lily ate everything except 3 mushrooms. She was fine with them until Christian said "are those big black things mushrooms?" ummm...yes, why? "O I didn't know. They tasted like the meat"
Then Lily got all weirded out and wouldn't eat them.

It was funny watching Addison eat. This is the first meal she has had with that much "flavor". I usually leave most of her foods pretty plain. She even ate the meat.

I don't think I am going to go to the gym tomorrow. I feel a little cruddy and I HAVE to go Tuesday....super early. So I may take a lazy day. One thing I am really not looking forward to in the next couple weeks is all the "new year's resolutions" people. I think that makes me a horrible person for feeling that way. But seriously on Wednesday the line to join was out the door....out.the.door! RIDIC!

Anyway I am going to bed. I still not feeling well. I love you baby! Hopefully we can talk to you today! Goodnight!

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