Saturday, January 30, 2016

It finally happened... finally happened. Someone got really hurt getting their fingers slammed in the doors. Thankfully, none of our children are the injured or the "injurers" (did I just make up a word?)
Apparently Riley and Christian were playing in Christian's room and Annabelle was trying to talk to them and Riley slammed her fingers in the door. It was was very bad! THE DOOR CLOSED! That's how bad it was. It makes my stomach hurt even thinking about it. Her fingers were bleeding and her nails are all purple.
But I felt better knowing none of ours did it to her. So I could just be concerned for her and not upset that my kids injured her.

So Lily is now a flyer. I can't put emojis on the blog. But if I could there would be a BIG concerned face! Scared face. Sad face. Then concerned face again.
She is so excited. She has been practicing the stunts at home and apparently the girl whose spot Lily stole wasn't doing well in her spot. So Lily told her coach that she had been practicing so they told them to switch and they said Lily nailed the stunt on the first shot. So she won the spot. CONCERNED FACE!
I liked my baby not being a flyer. I was perfectly happy with her being a base, or a spot. Apparently she got dropped on her face. She says it like it was no big deal...yea I wasn't tight and I fell and my face hit the mat.
WHAAAAAAA!?!? I like your face, please don't hurt it.

But we had a good day. They all stayed until 8 tonight. It was an exhausting day. But I think they all had fun. I think we are going to plan an adult sleep over. Well the kids will get a sleepover too. LOL. The only one I'm having an issue putting in a place is Chloe. I can't quite figure out where she can sleep. Unless she sleeps in Addison's room and I put Addison in our room with me. She is such a stinking cute kid...I just love her so much.

Well have a good day baby! I love you! Good night 

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