Friday, January 29, 2016


We did it! She cried a little. I did not cry. She literally drew a crowd. Everyone and their dad stopped to watch the poor cute little ginger get tortured. There was NO ONE in the store when we go there. We stopped...looked at the earrings picked out the cutest most expensive pair they had...LOL...not on purpose I promise. By the time I got a bottle made in preparation for her tears, and got us all situated there was literally a crowd around our chair watching. I felt bad for her...everyone stopped to see the pretty little girl get her life shattered for a few minutes. She didn't cry as bad as I thought she would. The second ear was the worst. She was throwing her hands around. She was mad mad mad. But she looks so very pretty

I couldn't get her to hold still long enough to get a good picture.
This last one is my favorite. I am going to miss her so very much when I go back to work. :(
She fell asleep with her mouth all open and everything.

So we got the baseball stuff. Not as bad as I expected it to be. YAY!
they didn't have any of the original bats he wanted in his size, which was a little disappointing. Well they had the Mako. But when we got there Christian said he didn't want it anymore. Thank goodness.

So after that we went to dinner to celebrate greatness at school. Lily getting the first place for the science projects. Christian winning the most read books for the kindergartners. No matter what else happened this week...they had a great week. I call it a success. Then to top it off...I got so many compliments about how wonderful my children were while they were having dinner. Parenting win.
I think Lily is feeling attention starved when a couple stopped to tell me how wonderful they were THEN they saw the baby and they commented on her too. So Christian asked what they said and I told him they stopped to tell me how wonderful and beautiful y'all were. Lily says "you mean they stopped to say how beautiful Addison is". I said noooo they didn't even see the baby until they got here they stopped to comment on how great y'all are. I think I need some QT with my big girl. :(
They really were good. We all sat and talked like civilized people. There was a tiny baby in one of the slings at the table right across from us and when we were leaving Christian almost ran into the sling. I was like watch out watch out for the baby!!! They had one of the canopy covers over here. Christian looks at the man and says "is there a tiny baby in there?" The man says "yes she is in here." well she was so tiny you couldn't see her in the carrier. So Christian moves the canopy cover and sticks his head in there to see her. He says "O she is in there. She is so very tiny. Our baby was never that tiny. She is very cute" and then just walks away. No boundaries...he has no boundaries. LOL

So I put my application in tonight. YIKES! Chris text me while we were at dinner telling me the job opened up. Sooooo when I got home I put in my application. I am so very nervous! So I guess it won't be too much longer.

Well I hope you have a great day. I love you so much. Good night

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