Tuesday, August 25, 2015

They're gonna be so mad

So I am going to start with I understand we have very little down time in our day to take care of this. But they found time to make this mess. AND! I am sick and tired of stepping on freaking toys every night, and asking them to pick up (which never gets done). I stepped on a Lego tonight...I draw the line at stepping on freaking Legos. So I am cleaning their rooms tomorrow! ME! I am! I am taking Addison's bouncer upstairs and a box of garbage bags! Let's see how it turns out. I am tired of them not taking care of stuff! I am tired of the disrespect. UGH! Lily...played in the mud at Christian's practice last Thursday, well apparently her shoes got filled with dirt. Guess where that dirt ended up...in my back seat...she emptied out her shoes in my back seat. WHAT! That doesn't even sound like a good idea. So...I made her empty out her piggy bank so I can go have my car washed. You want to destroy my car...you will pay to have it detailed. She was so pissed! 

I promise I am not going to complain the whole time :)
I started with the room and then I remembered my car. UGH! My poor car.

 So I just checked the lunch accounts, because I put money in their accounts and explained the rules...basically the same as last year you can buy treats once a week you can pick the day but only once...and this year...they are only allowed to buy twice a week and you can pick the day but you have to tell me the night before so I don't get up and start making lunches. Anyway, the difference between Lily and Christian...they bought lunch 3 times last week because Lily lost her lunch box (don't even get me started on that) we found it...but it was lost. So they bought lunches. I just checked the lunch accounts. Lily bought something "special" every day last week (ice cream twice, string cheese, and yogurt). Christian bought lunch...that's it just lunch. He really enjoys buying his lunch too.

I also think I figured out why poor Addison has been so irritable and clingy lately. Remember the other day I said she wakes up at night and won't go back to sleep unless she is in bed with me? Well, I was getting her dressed for bed tonight and she was extremely upset which is nothing new after the practices are over. But I was getting her dressed and she grabbed my hand and put my finger in mouth and started biting on me. I didn't feel anything and I didn't see anything but I wonder if she is starting to teeth and is so miserable. I feel so bad for her, it's just so sad. 

So mom is already standing me up for working out! She was supposed to come Friday with me...but she says she has prior plans. Which I am sure she does...but still. 

There is a really, really bad storm here right now. Whiskey is freaking out. He can't find a place to hide. You can hear the wind going around the house and lightening all over. It's crazy. we've had some rough storms lately. Nothing too crazy because they move so fast. 

I really don't think she could be cuter. She like to sit in the stroller like a big kid instead of in the baby seat. 

I love you and I miss you. A LOT! 

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