Thursday, August 6, 2015

Attitudes and Nap Time

We apparently are having issues adjusting to our new late night practices. Emotions are running high in this house, so we are having a mandatory nap time. Mainly because I need some time without attitude. Lily is still very upset that she lost her tablet, she has whined and complained every time Christian picks his up. "it's just not fair that he has his tablet and I don't get mine! You are trying to torture me" (we're not being over dramatic or anything) Or my favorite attitude filled statement -Lily you lost your tablet because you threw it at me. Response "Yea, well if I could I would throw it at you again right now, because you make me SO mad!" I am counting down the days until school starts, I need a break. I am starting to think she is a "sasshole". HA!

Christian had his kindergarten assessment this morning. They said he did well, but marked off because he writes his "s" starting at the bottom. I understand that is not the standard way to write a "s", but it is not backwards he just starts at the bottom when writing it...what's the big deal?!

Lily had a hard time going to bed last night, I want to say she was just really tired. But she was very upset because she just wants to tell you good night and she can't. "My life is so different now, because Steve is not here to tuck me in." -I feel ya kid :-)

In other news, the lawn was cut and treated looks nice. My only complaint is the lawn guys got here with the sun...

I missed getting to talk to you yesterday...

Lily conned us all into playing dolls with her yesterday
Boys can play dolls too

Coach said grab your face mask when you're tired. If you look closely Christian is holding his mask. Those boys were dying doing those warm ups last night.

Tummy time is exhauating
"Summer in a jar" Peach is delicious!

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