Thursday, August 6, 2015


I am not sure I have ever seen so many palmetto bugs at one time. UGH! It makes my skin crawl. I lined the doorways with peppermint oil. But every time you open a door one manages to fly in.(Stupid Florida and it's stupid bugs!) I thought the point to having lawn and pest care was to get rid of the pests!?! Not drive them closer to the house.
this one has to be their leader
I cannot handle this! It is AWFUL!

This guy has been hanging out by the front door alllllllll day! He is planning their attack right in front of my face! What a jerk right!? Not even a sneak attack...hiding right out in the open like I will never notice. I cannot bring myself to kill him because I know he will make a God awful crunch and I don't know if I can take the sound.

A good side is...all of the kids can sleep through me screaming like a little girl. One of them did a kamikaze almost killed us both! But luckily everyone slept right through it.

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