Sunday, August 30, 2015

Rainy Lazy Day

Not a whole lot to say today. We did absolutely nothing today...

Well I did laundry. I ALMOST got all of it done! Almost...

We went to church this morning. Addison stayed in the nursery again :( we are getting better at it. She has a good time and the 11:00 ladies love her. But I am just not ok with it yet. But the big kids wanted to go to church with me today so I decided to leave her in there.
Apparently Christian wanted to go so he could nap though.

I cannot wait until you are here! I miss you so much!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Boys of the fall...

Today was a really good day! I really enjoyed watching them play/cheer today. I think right now the heat is too much for Lily. She was over her job right after half time, but it was still a lot of fun. I am flat exhausted though! I have a ton of pictures to put on here for you and a few videos. But apparently my phone takes videos with a different program than my computer so I can't figure out how to put them on here yet. Soooo...I am going to try and email them to you tomorrow. We'll see. We all got was overcast all day. I put sunscreen on everyone but me and mom and we all got burned. I dont think Addison got burned but I am looking at her now and little face it pink. :( Mom Fail! I really hope she isn't sunburned. She was in the shade all day and I put sunscreen on her!

So...interesting thing happened tonight. It started out not a big deal and then it escalated into a huge dilemma. Let me give you the play by play. So we are sitting on the floor picking out a movie to watch and the kids couldn't decide so they were sitting there arguing. Well Lily comes and sits by me...there is something in her mouth...big surprise she is always putting garbage in her mouth.
What's in you mouth? -idk. What do you mean you don't know...why do you have something in your mouth and you don't know what it is? -idk...I'll go throw it away. Wait a minute...what is it? -idk Is it gum? -no Are you sure? -yes Well then what is it? -idk Ok...well give it here.
 I hold out my hand and she spits it into my hand. So I am rolling around these tiny little piece of putty in my hand.
What is this? -idk Are you sure it's not gum? -yes. it's not gum
I smell is gum. LIAR!!!!
Why did you lie to me? -idk
Anyway that is the extended version of that story. This heifer has been hiding packages of gum in her room somewhere, and will take tiny bites out of it when she wants a treat. I don't know where her hiding spot is yet. But I was so mad that she sat there and lied to me about it that much. over gum! I understand I don't let them have it...but what could I have said if she told the truth? Go spit it out...and probably why didn't you ask before you ate it?...and maybe...where did you get gum from?
But those 3 questions went out the window when she decided to lie over and over and over. It was got ugly in here.

So Christian and I watched a movie...Lily went to bed. But he has been being blatantly honest lately and I wish he would just go back to being my sweet little guy that loved me more than anything. So last night we were playing around and he said something to me that I said was mean. So I was holding him down tickling him and I said "you need to tell me sorry" -sorry "now you need to tell me that I am the bestest, most beautiful mommy in the whole world and you love me most" -I do love you most. "you forgot the most beautiful mommy part" -wellllll...I don't really think you are that pretty are kind of ugly with your hair short. You should grow it back out.
WHAT!?! :( He ripped my heart out and showed it to me at that moment. So then tonight he was watching the movie and I was studying and he wanted to turn the lights out but I was doing some work. So he says why don't you just go in your room and be by yourself so you are not bothering me anymore. :(
So I told him he was being mean and I went in the room. He comes in later and says when you are done you can come back out. I said I wasn't going to be done for a while. He comes back maybe 15 min later and says will you come back now. I said why. He said because I really love you and want you out here with me. AWWWWWW!!!! But dang he is being mean lately. 

He played WR a little today

Such a gorgeous girl!

hard to tell but he is between the cheerleaders on the field

now he's on the O line

making a tackle

such a happy little baby

nasty and sweaty, post game

walking to do the half time show

brother and sister QT

tasty ginger fingers

Friday, August 28, 2015

What a day...

Well...practice got canceled. So that was good. I honestly think the coach didn't want to practice. Because I have sat in the car for 40 minutes before waiting for practice to be called and it wasn't. wasn't even storming bad and it called. But...not my call. So that was supposed to make tonight easy...tonight was supposed to be good now...we can go to bed early...we can sit down and eat together. of the year over here didn't take anything out for dinner...really Eva...really!? You have to feed your kids every night, how can you forget that. So off to Publix we went in the rain for food. So we got the kids' favorite...chicken wings.
So we get home and I am making their plates. Well I notice something odd on one of the wings so I look at still had lie...I swear. So I set it aside to throw away and grab another one...feathers...another one...feathers. This really can't be happening right now. So I call them and I talk to the store manager. He brings us new wings (defeathered) and an apple pie. As nasty as it was...I forgive Publix...because they did not make me drag my 3 kids back out into the rain over something that nasty.
EW! Fried Feathers

I am sitting here watching Addison as I write this, and I wonder what she is dreaming about? It is so sweet she is talking and smiling and making all sorts of noises in her sleep. She talks in her sleep a lot. I am not sure if I have ever seen a baby talk in their sleep but she does often. She didn't nap very well today. I tried wearing her, I tried holding her...I could not get this baby to go to sleep. But...she went to bed early and she wasn't in a bad mood so I am ok with that.

boycotting nap

 Is she not absolutely gorgeous!? I just cannot get over how much she has changed in such a short amount of time.

So we had some high emotions today. Lily apparently was flat exhausted. She was so very upset. She was yelling and crying. I made her go to her room to cool off and she took almost a 2 hr nap.

Passed Out!

O good news. They gave an updated forecast on that storm. It is supposed to miss us completely! I'm sure we will still get some bad weather, but it is not supposed to actually hit Jacksonville. It looks like it shifted again and is supposed to move into the Gulf, and slow down to a tropical depression. I am sure Lily will be happy about that too.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

bananas, tackles, and a clean car

I am so proud of Hunter, I can't stand it. Hopefully he gets a scholarship to play football, but rumor has it he will be going to FSU when he graduates.

So I had my car cleaned today. It's bad that it feels weird to drive a clean car right?! HA! I made the kids pay for it though. That may be harsh, but I drew the line when both of them took their shoes and dumped ALOT of sand in my carpet. So, if you want to destroy it you can pay to clean it. It looks wonderful! I don't think it has been this clean since we bought it.

So Christian "got hurt" again at practice tonight...I'm not 100% sure how to fix this. Vanessa seemed to handle it well. He was upset...the kid that tackled him hit him hard. Apparently the kids pads went into Christian's stomach and knocked the breath out of him. I could not get him to calm down, Vanessa just told him to go get the kid back...and he did. He chased that kid down and hit him pretty hard. Another funny thing...they had him playing the line tonight, and he took this kid down. Well after the play was over the kid didn't get up...he just laid perfectly still on the ground, his face mask in the grass. Christian's face was like "o crap what did I do". The coaches crowded around him thinking he was seriously hurt...nope...the tackle hurt so he decided not to get up. At least I know it's not just my kid that acts like that.
Then there was this one little boy that made me so mad. So after they get a water break, the boys put their helmets on and go stand in line for one of the coaches to buckle their helmets. Well Christian was in line waiting to get his helmet buckled and this kid comes out of no where and tackles him from the back and take him down. I was so mad! Not only were they not practicing...he didn't even freaking have his helmet on all the way. The coach was so mad, he snatched that little kid up by his shoulders pads and was screaming in his face.

So, Lily is super concerned with this hurricane. She has made a list of all the supplies we need for a hurricane. She wants to make sure we are completely prepared. I keep trying to tell her it's not going to be that bad but she does not believe me. She is really concerned.

Addison was so good at practice tonight. I took some toys for her to play with and she just sat in her stroller and played the entire time. Then we got home and she went to bed. There was no crying, no screaming. She just went to bed. It was nice. She was really good all day. Especially considering morning nap time was a bust...I swear it has never taken so long for them to do the yard. It felt like they were here FOR HOURS! They weren't but they got here as soon as I put her in her crib, and nap time ended in our bed because she couldn't sleep. I finally got her to sleep after having to lay down with her. O well...I will just have to find an alternative on Thursdays.

I love you and have a good day!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Garbage Day...

Well it isn't actually garbage day, but technically it is. You should have seen all of the stuff I threw away in Lily's room! Stuff she will never know is gone. Her room is so super clean now. But it was so disgusting Christian's room did not get done, by the time I was done with her room I was so disgusted I had to quit. I did however get the house vacuumed and dusted. So a lot accomplished.

I love Wednesdays...especially now that mom is working at the school again. It was nice not having to go anywhere. We did go get Christian's hair cut today. I am really happy with it this time, she cut it very short. It looks good. But the no practice thing on Wednesdays is nice. We got home work done, the kids got to watch Insurgent (because it was raining). The original plan was to go for a bike ride, but mother nature had other plans. We got to have a nice dinner, and not have to rush out the door.'s official Wednesdays are my favorite day.

I say we got to have a nice dinner but you know how dinner is. I feel like I have to barter with them to eat their food. If we could combine them into one person for dinner time we would have the perfect eater. Christian LOVES zucchini noodles, so he ate two big plate fulls of that but I cannot get him to eat 5 pieces of "chicken". Lily on the other hand ate an entire piece of "chicken" but I practically had to force feed her the zucchini noodles. FYI...the chicken was actually pork chops....they were fantastic. :-)

Whiskeys hips are really starting to bother him. I may end up having to take him to the vet, but I am not sure what they will be able to do for him :( he was playing with Lily this morning and starting howling in pain and just laid down on the floor. He got up after about 30 seconds but now off and on he has been walking with a limp not putting weight on his right leg. I feel bad for him!

But I miss you a lot and I hope I can talk to you soon! I love you!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

They're gonna be so mad

So I am going to start with I understand we have very little down time in our day to take care of this. But they found time to make this mess. AND! I am sick and tired of stepping on freaking toys every night, and asking them to pick up (which never gets done). I stepped on a Lego tonight...I draw the line at stepping on freaking Legos. So I am cleaning their rooms tomorrow! ME! I am! I am taking Addison's bouncer upstairs and a box of garbage bags! Let's see how it turns out. I am tired of them not taking care of stuff! I am tired of the disrespect. UGH! Lily...played in the mud at Christian's practice last Thursday, well apparently her shoes got filled with dirt. Guess where that dirt ended my back seat...she emptied out her shoes in my back seat. WHAT! That doesn't even sound like a good idea. So...I made her empty out her piggy bank so I can go have my car washed. You want to destroy my will pay to have it detailed. She was so pissed! 

I promise I am not going to complain the whole time :)
I started with the room and then I remembered my car. UGH! My poor car.

 So I just checked the lunch accounts, because I put money in their accounts and explained the rules...basically the same as last year you can buy treats once a week you can pick the day but only once...and this year...they are only allowed to buy twice a week and you can pick the day but you have to tell me the night before so I don't get up and start making lunches. Anyway, the difference between Lily and Christian...they bought lunch 3 times last week because Lily lost her lunch box (don't even get me started on that) we found it...but it was lost. So they bought lunches. I just checked the lunch accounts. Lily bought something "special" every day last week (ice cream twice, string cheese, and yogurt). Christian bought lunch...that's it just lunch. He really enjoys buying his lunch too.

I also think I figured out why poor Addison has been so irritable and clingy lately. Remember the other day I said she wakes up at night and won't go back to sleep unless she is in bed with me? Well, I was getting her dressed for bed tonight and she was extremely upset which is nothing new after the practices are over. But I was getting her dressed and she grabbed my hand and put my finger in mouth and started biting on me. I didn't feel anything and I didn't see anything but I wonder if she is starting to teeth and is so miserable. I feel so bad for her, it's just so sad. 

So mom is already standing me up for working out! She was supposed to come Friday with me...but she says she has prior plans. Which I am sure she does...but still. 

There is a really, really bad storm here right now. Whiskey is freaking out. He can't find a place to hide. You can hear the wind going around the house and lightening all over. It's crazy. we've had some rough storms lately. Nothing too crazy because they move so fast. 

I really don't think she could be cuter. She like to sit in the stroller like a big kid instead of in the baby seat. 

I love you and I miss you. A LOT! 

Monday, August 24, 2015

reading and bees

Happy Monday!

I got to end my day...getting stung by a bee at football practice...are you freaking kidding me!?! I haven't been stung by a bee since I was a kid and I had a horrible allergic reaction to it. I was starting to panic. OMG I just got stung by a bee, could potentially have an awful reaction to it and I am home alone with 3 kids...
So I came home and immediately put a drop of lavender oil and chamomile oil on my now swollen arm and within 45 minutes the swelling was gone and I cannot even see where I was stung anymore. But it still hurt like a B (no pun intended HA!)

The more I watch cheer the more I realize just how really intense it is. Lily almost threw up at practice tonight...because...while they were doing their routine she was holding her hands like knives instead of like blades (whatever the f that means) so she had to run laps. 
But, we also have to volunteer 4 hours to help the cheer squad...well I can't really just jump in the concession with Addison or work the main gate with a baby. So I said something to the coaches and asked if there were any other ways I could help without being pressured into concession with an infant. So I get to do "gifts" for the opposing cheer squads on home games. That actually sounds fun! All I have to do is make treats for the visiting squads during home games. I can't wait for our next home game!
O and we are traveling to St Augustine this weekend for our game! I am going to have to get up SOOOOO early Saturday to get everything and everyone ready! But...I wouldn't want to spend my weekend any other way. I love that they love this so much!

Well, my liquid dish soap was a bust...I hate it! I am going to mess with it a little more and see if I can change the recipe...I am also going to clean the dishwasher to see if that helps. But right now I bought a tiny thing of cascade to use. I cannot handle the dishes being all foggy. UGH! I just need to be able to get them clean without getting irritated every time I open the dishwasher.

So I am starting at the Y tomorrow. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I will find just how out of shape I am. I am blaming it all on Addison. HAHA! 
Speaking of my little ginger...I bought her some rings like she was playing with at church. It is amazing just to see how much she is developing. She plays with all her toys and she tries to copy the noises you make. She loves sitting up now...she can't on her own...but she loves sitting in your lap and looking at her toys and stuff. She also has a new found obsession with Whiskey. She loves him's like the world stops when she catches a glimpse of him. It is cute. 

So...Christian got sent home with his first homework sheet. Just sight words, nothing too intense. So we were looking at it while I was cooking today...and he already knew his sight words. He read them with no problem, and his sight words were put into sentences. He was able to read his sentences with no issues. I.Was.Amazed!

Sorry for writing a book for you. I love you...

this is what i tried to send you earlier. so focused on getting that toy

baby selfie!

practice wore him out! He was talking...then he wasn't
 O! that picture of Christian reminded me. We were sitting on the couch waiting for Lily to get out of the shower, talking and he just fell asleep. Well I let him sleep until I was done with Lily's hair. When I woke him he was so out of it I asked him to hold my hand going up the stairs. Well he was so zombified when I asked him to hold my hand...he shook his head yes and leaned forward and started trying to bite my palm! I laughed so was hilarious to watch. He smashed his nose against my hand and was biting at me. 

Ok now I am done for real! I love you...

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Not so lazy Sunday

Good Morning Daddy

I swear it feels like I used to have so much time, and now the days fly by and I feel like I can get nothing accomplished.

They made some changes in the nursery workers on Sunday mornings. It is going to take some getting used to. we had 10 workers this morning to 5 babies. No body knows who anyone is a little overwhelming. So ofcourse I walk in with Addison and they swoop in trying to take her from me and right her name up here and do you know how we operate are you a guest....woah woah woah. Calm down ladies...I am staying in here with y'all. But I managed another week to leave her in the nursery. She seems fine. I can feel myself being a major micromanager when it comes to her...I hope I don't become like Aidan's mom. She skipped her morning nap again...she stayed awake until about 12, hopefully this is not going to be every day. She loved those rings hanging off of the bouncer this morning though...she would reach out and grab them and swing them all around. But I guess she stayed in that bouncer almost the entire second hour nap. She was o so grumpy.

Christian had football pictures today, ugh it was so hot! But, we finally got our "game day cleats" well I ordered Christian a 2 because that is what size his Under Armor's are. Well...getting him dressed for pictures and he is whining and complaining that his cleats hurt...o great another fight. All I could think was how I was going to fight when him every Saturday because these cleats aren't as comfortable as his Under Armors. So I tell him he just needs to break them in...we go have his pictures taken...go back to the car and I look at the box...they are 13. 2 sizes too small...WHAT! No wonder they hurt his now he no longer has his game day cleats. Rumor has it we play in St Augustine this weekend. That is going to be a LONG day! Especially if we have to be at the field at 8. :(
But nothing else super eventful today, just always.

I love you and I miss you.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Longest Day Ever!

O man! I am so tired! I feel like today was so long!
It was really enjoyable. I have a lot of pictures for you. Most of them you can't really see whats going on.

It was so sweet when Lily and Christian actually saw Mason they were all so excited and happy to see each other. Then they were all so upset when they found out he wouldn't be here when they came home. It was sad. We had a good time though. Mason got some quality baby time, he actually played with her and talked to her. So that was probably good for him, because every other time he has been around her everyone else was all in her face too. He had a really good time at the birthday party. Jacey told me to tell you he broke the pinata. She said he didn't bust it open but he knocked it off the string. But we went to the avenues tonight and Mason got some little soaps from Lush...he was so excited to go home and take a bath so he could use them. But I took him home flat exhausted...poor guy.

Addison also had an extremely long day, she skipped her morning nap...which I would have too it was so hot out there. Honestly it would not have been so bad had the humidity not been awful. But she finally took her first nap around 12. Hopefully that means she will sleep all night. I am not sure what has been going on with her lately. She has been waking up and will not go back to sleep unless she is sleeping with you. A couple nights ago I thought I had her back asleep good enough to lay her down, and as soon as she touched her cradle she started screaming. I didn't want her to sleep with me so I pretty much didn't sleep that night. Now...she sleeps with me.

Mason loving on his baby sister

They were being so sweet to one another

Hugging her blankie for nap time

hangin with the boys

he sits far enough away so she can't touch him, but close enough so no one can touch her
Love this picture of him!
motivational speech "when in doubt...hit somebody"

getting ready


she was so miserably hot

his ready stance is to stand straight up

after he made his first tackle

the girls :)

She wasn't even nervous. so proud of her!


sweet sleepy baby

Friday, August 21, 2015

Well that was a long drive

So we got Mason today! I will never make that drive so late in the afternoon again! It was awful, traffic was horrendous! That seriously makes me reconsider that job offer Chris is giving me. It was a pretty uneventful evening though...he showed me all around his class and all the different places he gets to play. He seems to really like it.
But he was so exhausted when he got here, he ate dinner and went straight to bed. I feel bad he is here without the kids though.
Hopefully we get the football schedules tomorrow so I can start planning weekends to get him.

I cannot wait for the games tomorrow...hopefully Christian actually gets some playing time. From what their dad said...he sat out most of tonight's practice too. I just don't understand the logic behind that. Why make kids NOT practice.

Not much went on today though. I feel like nothing exciting happens when the kids are gone. :(

I will try and get lots of pictures tomorrow of the games and the birthday party. Mason said he misses you and can't wait until you are back.

Love you A LOT!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Like a firecracker

That's always how I like to describe my anger...I make a big boom and then fizzle out into nothing. HAHA. That is why I have learned not to make a scene.
Sorry I blew up your phone. I was extremely upset, and I wasn't upset until I talked to Christian. Then I became upset.
I am ok now. I went down the line...I talked to you first, then my mom (she made it worse), then Brittany.
So Brittany deals with this all the time. I don't know how all this craziness works. But she said it does not sound abnormal, and they probably didn't even realize they did it. She said unlike baseball they don't walk around with a line up that says who is where. Which makes sense...I should have talked to her before mom. But she said she has been the same way, because you get so angry you feel like you have to defend your child when really none of this happened maliciously. So I feel better about it now.
Mom on the other hand was talking about how pissed she would be and how I need to show out down there because that is not fair. It's against the rules...blah blah blah. So after I talked to her I was fired up...yea! I am going to handle this! Then I called Britt and came to my senses. But I also checked the pop warner rule book, there is a mandatory play rule. I think we have 28 each kids has to be in for 8 plays...the rule book states kick offs, field goals, and spikes do not count. It also says if your child has not been in the game by the 4th quarter they HAVE to play the entire quarter or the association gets fined.
I am glad I calmed down and am actually thinking now. Because had I not read that and made a scene over practice...that could have been bad. I don't actually think I would have made a scene but I was really upset. Anyway, it is over sorry again but thank you.

It stormed so bad today I am actually really surprised practice did not get called. It was bad.

HOLY FLORIDA STORM! The wind was could hear the wind going around the house.
Look at all the turkeys. They've been out a lot lately. We also had a big deer out there today.

so stinking cute!

she sucks her fingers

Because apparently this is what you do when you're done with your work in 2nd grade. She is a nut!

I was so mad at Lily at the park tonight, so it stormed really bad. The football field was flooded, the playground was flooded. So she was on the playground (of course) jumping in puddles. No big deal had these puddles been normal sized. One that she was playing in NO LIE came up to her knees when she jumped in it. She was soaked...her hair was drenched, her looked like she went swimming. Except she was also covered in mud! Then she got mad because I told her she needed to sit and dry off before we left...o she was furious! There was a lot of attitude going on. I really thought we were going to fight in front of all those people. She took her shoes off and threw them (because they were wet) she was nasty. She got dirtier at Christian's practice than Christian did!

Addison went to bed really early tonight...I really hope she sleeps tonight. I still have to pack the kids bag for their dad's. So I love you and I miss you. Thank you again for listening to me rant...sorry :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is that I see...

Scary observation Christian was walking around with his shirt off (nothing new...I think he boycotts clothes now) Anyway, so he puts his arm up and I see dirt. So ofcourse I hold him down to pick at it (LOL). wasn't dirt. He has a mole...he didn't use to have a mole. But under his arm where you cannot see it...he has a black mole. 
So then ofcourse I told my mom...who scared the crap out of me...and turned me to the internet which worsened my fears of our new found spot. 
So I will be calling his Dr. to schedule an appointment to have his little black mole in his armpit checked out. That is scary! I am terrified! I am glad I mentioned to my mom though because I would have never thought to have it looked at. I am sure it is fine....I hope it is fine. It looks normal, but why would it just pop up?

We had a better day at school today. He was so excited when he got in the car. He wants me to walk him to class tomorrow so I can hear how awesome he was. He said he doesn't want me to only hear bad things. 

Poor Lily...I felt so bad for her tonight. I was putting them to bed and I leaned down and kissed her and told her goodnight. Then, probably not even thinking she says "Can I Steve now?" She immediately realized what she said and was EXTREMELY upset. 
Christian has been walking around for a few days and just will randomly say "I wish Steve was here" "I miss Steve" "I'm going to be so old when Steve comes back"
I think they miss you. I can't wait until you come back.

So I went to the Y today, I have to go back tomorrow...they were clueless about the membership thing. He said he didn't think they would honor that. So I am taking the paperwork back tomorrow for the guy to look at, we'll see. 

We finally had a sport free night! I think we all needed the break. Everyone was in bed by 8 and they were absolutely exhausted. Addison is starting to get tired of herself I am about to put her to bed now. But I love you and I hope you have a good night and day tomorrow. 

Guess who's sleeping



That's right every night this week she has slept until 6AM, and I have had to wake her up. But she has been going back down for a nap by 9. This is nice.

Sorry I didn't write last night, after we got off the phone I just went right to sleep. :) It was nice talking to you though!

So, I am going to add another reason why I hate WalMart. So, I bought Insurgent while I was there...well it was in one of those hard plastic boxes that they are supposed to take off at the register. Well they didn't take it now I have a movie I cannot watch. I have to go BACK to WalMart to have them remove the security box...I do not want to do that! I didn't even realize it until I pulled it out of the bag the other day for Christian and I to watch...

O and I talked to Ms. Allen this morning about Christian having a bad day Monday. OMG! He is so lucky she did not send a note home! I just don't understand why he would act like that. She said all day long he was rude and disrespectful. There was actually a time where he got up and walked away from the circle and he told her he was done learning and you cannot make me come back. She said she asked if he was always like that and he told her yes that he is just a mean, angry boy and this is how he acts. So IF this happens again she is calling me...I told her I was not afraid to drive myself back to the school to handle it and he knows how it will play out if I have to do that. I am so embarrassed, I don't understand why he would act like that. He has never acted like that at school.

Going to check out the Y in a few hours with mom, that is exciting! I am still unsure of their daycare...but with Addison's nap time falling right around the time I will be there maybe she can just sleep the whole time I am there. IDK, I guess I need to start weaning myself off of her if I am going back to work.

So I finally found an acceptable use for all the old wine bottles. I am not sure how I feel about the liquid dish soap yet...I read that is leaves a white film on the dishes...and when I used did. I am going to add some more vinegar to it and try using less and hopefully that will help. AHAHA! I just noticed on this picture that I spelled "liquid" wrong...dummy! I thought it looked weird.

Ok but I need to get some school work done while the baby is asleep. I love you and have a good day

Monday, August 17, 2015

Today was a TERRIBLE first day...

That is what I get told when Christian gets in the car. My poor baby. He is so over Kindergarten, he didn't even leave his supplies at school. He brought them all home because he is not going back! LOL. Apparently he got in trouble on his first day, which I can see happening but really makes me sad for him because he was so excited. He says he "can't remember" exactly what happened but from the sounds of it, he was probably being rough on the playground and got in trouble. He says she yelled at him, but if he was on the playground she may have only yelled because they were outside?! I don't know but he was really upset when he got home. Also, he was super sad they don't let them check out library books yet, he wanted to get a book from the library today and he was told he was not allowed to. He had a bunch of negatives stack up against him today. He ate all his lunch though. HAHA!

Luckily he has tomorrow off so he can wipe off his bad day and start again on Wednesday!

Lily is probably the only person in this house that has had a good day!
She said she had a great day! She is glad to be back in school, she loves her teacher, she loves the second grade...she just loves life right now!
my big man

jeez she is gorgeous!

working hard

the parent pick up line was ridic!
 The parent pick up line was backed all the way into Henley. Parents were actually parking on the side of the road and walking to the school and got their kids faster than I got mine! Craziness!

already has homework!
Now on to my sweet little Addison! I am so heartbroken for her today! She is so sick! I hate vaccines! I really wish we didn't HAVE to do them. She was fine pretty much all day, then around 430 it hit her with a vengeance! Now she has a fever, she threw up all over me, her, the couch! She refuses to take Tylenol which makes it worse. All she does is cry, she won't took forever to get her asleep. I feel so bad for that sweet baby, I just want to lay down and love her. But with everyone else still awake I cannot do that. But...she weighs 9lbs 13oz (which is in the 3rd percentile for her age) but she is 23.75 in (which in the 78th percentile for her age). However, I talked to the Dr. about her weight, and she is not worried. I asked her about what I read online...I read a baby should gain 5oz a week (the first few months) she said that sounds about right. Soooooo....she was 7lbs 11oz her last appointment. That was approximately 8 weeks 5oz a week would be 40oz. So based off of that...she SHOULD weigh 10.3....she's not far off. But the Dr. said had I been a normal sized female (wtf is that suppose to mean. LOL) she would be concerned with Addison's weight but since Lily and I are both so small (weight) she isn't concerned with her.

There are so many reasons why I don't like to go to WalMart. Reason spend WAY too much money. I had to go to WalMart today to get dog and cat food. Well...let me start with...I bought a litter box. Because if Chester pees in her crate one more time I am taking her to the pound...and I really don't want to do that. (side note: she sleeps in her crate now...or outside because she is a terrible horrible creature at night) But WalMart is an evil place! I really wanted to get one of the paci holders for Addison, they didn't have any, but they are called WubNubs and are almost $20 on Amazon. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!?! But from what it looks like it the paci is attached to the animal and doesn't come off....which is disappointing because you wouldn't be able to switch the paci off as they needed to cleaned...and how are you supposed to wash the animal?

But I love you and I miss you...I hope I can talk to you soon...if not then I will see you in approximately 15 days! I cannot wait...