Well we got our first "delivery" today.
It was pretty awesome. The lady text me when she was leaving, text me when she got to the door and helped me carry everything inside. UMMMM...could you be more helpful. Anyway, we get 2 weeks free...so I figured why not. But it was nice. Lily and Christian don't like it because they like to pick out our fruits and veggies and they can't do this if someone else does it for us.
But...fun fact...on the fruit page I put 1ct of bananas...thinking that would be 1 bushel right? That makes sense to me. Nope...wrong...I got ONE count em ONE banana. LOL. I couldn't help but laugh....o you literally wanted to know how many bananas I wanted. Well the answer is more than one.
Christian has recently become very self conscious of his body. Which is fine I guess. But he has been shirtless since saturday because we were at the pool and then he was sick and just wore basketball shorts all weekend. Well anytime anyone...besides me...would get close to him with his shirt off he would freak and tell them to look away because they can see his boobs. I tried to assure him that boys don't have boobs and if they did they couldn't walk around shirtless but never the less he's terrified of people seeing his "moobs" LOL
So everyone was able to eat dinner tonight without getting sick so that was good...well except Addison she threw all hers on the floor as fast as it was given to her. This kid...I'm just going to start giving her an empty plate and then pieces of my food so she thinks she is getting something special. She's gonna get real hungry, real fast once she isn't on formula anymore. Im surprised whiskey isn't fat yet...she doesn't even taste her food, she just immediately throws it all on the floor.
Anyway I have to open tomorrow so I need to go to bed. I love you! Good night!
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