Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Well the season hasn't even started yet and I already made Christian cry trying to practice with him. No I didn't hit him. He apparently was very sensitive. I can't even remember what he started crying about. I think I just kept correcting his throwing. He finally lost it "I'm ruining everything!". I was shocked.
But we got past it, and if you can get him to stop "trying to throw is fast" he has a really good accurate throw. But he does that crazy wind up thing every now and then. We'll get past it but I am so excited for baseball! YAY!

O so I talked to Chris today. I was just going to tell him about the credit file thing and see if he would go over it with Susan. But then I told him pretty much everything. He told me not to worry about a thing. He even said it sounded like she couldn't quite grasp how long I worked for the credit union. I tried not to say anything bad. I just said that meeting with her was slightly discouraging, and I told him how she said I lacked management experience and I wasn't currently at work so my request was excessive. He said "ummmm you do have experience and you've been gone less than a year". But I told him it felt like the dedication I've shown and achievements I already made with the credit union didn't matter. So he said not to sweat's all under control. So, I'm not going to sweat it.

But have a good day. I love you!
Good night

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