Monday, February 29, 2016

9 months

So we had a nice little chat about addison not drinking bottle anymore. Her Dr said she is not concerned about the amount of formula she is taking in since we are doing the baby led weaning. She said she is clearly eating balanced meals and is healthy. She said to give her formula in sippy cups and let her take it as she wants it. So I told you I did that this morning and she drank about 4 oz. She had another 16+ oz out of a sippy cup before the day was over. That is fantastic!

She is 16.13 lbs and 29 inches even. So her growth slowed down a little and her weight increased. She is 26% for weight now, and 89% for her height. She is still super tall. I did get a little upset there today though and I tried to argue it but eventually just gave in. She got her Hep B shot at her 6 month appointment. Well her 6 month appointment was like 2 days before she was actually 6 months. So the department of health said her 6 month shot for Hep B doesn't count and she had to have it again. WHAT!?! She got it...who cares it was 2 days before she was actually 6 months...that does not negate the fact that you stuck a needle in her leg. I was pissed...her Dr talked me down a little but I was not happy she had to get another shot.

So Lily's wort I'm convinced just doesn't want to die. It is huge. She had it frozen again. She said it hurt really bad this time. She has to go back AGAIN in 3 weeks to have it done again. Most expensive wort ever!

Other than that today was uneventful. I took a video of Christian reading to send you but FB told me it was too long. So I need to edit it. He is doing so good. I cannot believe how well he reads...remember in August when school started he couldn't read at all and now he is reading chapter books.

Well I hope you have a great day! I love you! Good night

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