So we had a nice little chat about addison not drinking bottle anymore. Her Dr said she is not concerned about the amount of formula she is taking in since we are doing the baby led weaning. She said she is clearly eating balanced meals and is healthy. She said to give her formula in sippy cups and let her take it as she wants it. So I told you I did that this morning and she drank about 4 oz. She had another 16+ oz out of a sippy cup before the day was over. That is fantastic!
She is 16.13 lbs and 29 inches even. So her growth slowed down a little and her weight increased. She is 26% for weight now, and 89% for her height. She is still super tall. I did get a little upset there today though and I tried to argue it but eventually just gave in. She got her Hep B shot at her 6 month appointment. Well her 6 month appointment was like 2 days before she was actually 6 months. So the department of health said her 6 month shot for Hep B doesn't count and she had to have it again. WHAT!?! She got it...who cares it was 2 days before she was actually 6 months...that does not negate the fact that you stuck a needle in her leg. I was pissed...her Dr talked me down a little but I was not happy she had to get another shot.
So Lily's wort I'm convinced just doesn't want to die. It is huge. She had it frozen again. She said it hurt really bad this time. She has to go back AGAIN in 3 weeks to have it done again. Most expensive wort ever!
Other than that today was uneventful. I took a video of Christian reading to send you but FB told me it was too long. So I need to edit it. He is doing so good. I cannot believe how well he reads...remember in August when school started he couldn't read at all and now he is reading chapter books.
Well I hope you have a great day! I love you! Good night
Monday, February 29, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Guess who learned how to use the grill tonight! That's right, me! Mike showed me how to turn it on, and I did it...all by myself. I only grilled hot dogs, but still....gotta start somewhere right?
So today was very busy. I feel like we were nonstop from the time we got up until we went to bed. But it was a good day. The kids were good. Lily passed out at the game in grass and slept through almost the entire thing. I learned today in 7u that we do not play an hour...we play 6 innings. WHAT! I did not plan for that! I planned for an hour. Mason got into a fight with another little boy at the park. Well really I think him and another little boy started playing too rough and Mason got the short end of the stick. I turned around and saw the little boy slam Mason down into the ground. I freaked. Sat Mase by my mom took Elijah to his mom, told her I didn't want Mason near him again today. Then later they were together again and she told me. So I said yea I saw them so if he gets roughed up again then he should have listened to me. But he didn't, they played nice. So it worked out.
So Christian has developed a very poor attitude and I am not sure what to do about it. I understand he was frustrated that he struck out, but how can I get him to have constructive frustrations? He threw his bat up against the fence. I made him go back and get it. I get that he is upset...that is normal, it is not normal to throw your bat and I won't tolerate it. I mean he had an ok day, not a standing out day. But he wasn't awful either. He covered his bases, he hit...he got out. But he advanced the lead off runner 2 bases and we scored. We ended up winning by 1 that counts. He didn't see that until I explained it to him. I just don't get it. He has never had a bad attitude like this.
Well I hope you have a good day! I love you. Good night
So today was very busy. I feel like we were nonstop from the time we got up until we went to bed. But it was a good day. The kids were good. Lily passed out at the game in grass and slept through almost the entire thing. I learned today in 7u that we do not play an hour...we play 6 innings. WHAT! I did not plan for that! I planned for an hour. Mason got into a fight with another little boy at the park. Well really I think him and another little boy started playing too rough and Mason got the short end of the stick. I turned around and saw the little boy slam Mason down into the ground. I freaked. Sat Mase by my mom took Elijah to his mom, told her I didn't want Mason near him again today. Then later they were together again and she told me. So I said yea I saw them so if he gets roughed up again then he should have listened to me. But he didn't, they played nice. So it worked out.
So Christian has developed a very poor attitude and I am not sure what to do about it. I understand he was frustrated that he struck out, but how can I get him to have constructive frustrations? He threw his bat up against the fence. I made him go back and get it. I get that he is upset...that is normal, it is not normal to throw your bat and I won't tolerate it. I mean he had an ok day, not a standing out day. But he wasn't awful either. He covered his bases, he hit...he got out. But he advanced the lead off runner 2 bases and we scored. We ended up winning by 1 that counts. He didn't see that until I explained it to him. I just don't get it. He has never had a bad attitude like this.
Well I hope you have a good day! I love you. Good night
Friday, February 26, 2016
out of cumin?
No way! Not possible! How could we run out of cumin?! Don't we always keep a back up supply? Um nope. We are definitely out of cumin. We made chili today and that's when I made that discovery.
So opening night was fun today! It was cold. But we got to leave as soon as our kids were announced. Addison cried through the whole thing. That was no fun. She decided on her own she was going to skip her afternoon nap and we all got to pay for it. She was in her bed for her afternoon she just never went to sleep. She laid in there playing. So this evening was awful!
So Jacey came over tonight and we had an impromptu craft night. We made dug out hangers for tomorrow. So all I need to do is get some D rings or something to hold my markers and we are good.
I am pretty excited for tomorrow, just so you know! Tomorrow feels like Christmas morning for me! LOL
I have your shirt to send you. I promise I will get it all in the mail to you next week! Promise!
Well I hope you have a good day and I will try and get lots of pictures of everyone for you tomorrow. Mason and Christian played really well together alone today. I love you! Have a good day. Good night.
So opening night was fun today! It was cold. But we got to leave as soon as our kids were announced. Addison cried through the whole thing. That was no fun. She decided on her own she was going to skip her afternoon nap and we all got to pay for it. She was in her bed for her afternoon she just never went to sleep. She laid in there playing. So this evening was awful!
So Jacey came over tonight and we had an impromptu craft night. We made dug out hangers for tomorrow. So all I need to do is get some D rings or something to hold my markers and we are good.
I am pretty excited for tomorrow, just so you know! Tomorrow feels like Christmas morning for me! LOL
I have your shirt to send you. I promise I will get it all in the mail to you next week! Promise!
Well I hope you have a good day and I will try and get lots of pictures of everyone for you tomorrow. Mason and Christian played really well together alone today. I love you! Have a good day. Good night.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
If this is any clue as to how busy I am going to be when I go back to work. I am going to be so burnt out when you get home it is not even funny!
So I made it a family affair when I went to the credit union to do my paperwork. Addison came with me. Mom came with me. Mom sat in the lobby with the security guard, Addison and I went into HR. So Tracy played with the baby while I did all my paperwork. She came in the office and said Hi to me and how happy she was that I was back. Then she says "AND! Perfect timing too. We just enrolled in the First Coast games. We are going football AND softball this year I am going to go ahead and register you ok?" LOL...o ok. Glad you guys are also profiting on my athletic abilities.
After the credit union I took mom to the orthopedic surgeon for her knee. They thing it is just severe arthritis and bone spurs in her knee. But she has to go have a MRI done to rule out a meniscus tear. So she is not completely out of the woods. But she said it is not as bad as it was earlier. So hopefully it is just arthritis. But then that will pain she has to live with for IDK what I should hope her diagnosis is. I mean she already has the arthritis and bone spurs in her knee. So should I just hope she doesn't have another ailment to add to it? IDK.
Then I brought mom back to her car, went and got the kids. Went to Christian's doctors office. Got home in just enough time for Lily to complete her homework. Went to church. Went to the park to collect more raffle stuff. Back to the church to get the kids and help in the nursery and now I am home....finally. I am so tired I just want to go to bed.
Check that out though! Uniforms look good this year huh.
I missed talking to you today. I kept hoping you would call. But o well. I hope you had a good day. I love you.
Good night
So I made it a family affair when I went to the credit union to do my paperwork. Addison came with me. Mom came with me. Mom sat in the lobby with the security guard, Addison and I went into HR. So Tracy played with the baby while I did all my paperwork. She came in the office and said Hi to me and how happy she was that I was back. Then she says "AND! Perfect timing too. We just enrolled in the First Coast games. We are going football AND softball this year I am going to go ahead and register you ok?" LOL...o ok. Glad you guys are also profiting on my athletic abilities.
After the credit union I took mom to the orthopedic surgeon for her knee. They thing it is just severe arthritis and bone spurs in her knee. But she has to go have a MRI done to rule out a meniscus tear. So she is not completely out of the woods. But she said it is not as bad as it was earlier. So hopefully it is just arthritis. But then that will pain she has to live with for IDK what I should hope her diagnosis is. I mean she already has the arthritis and bone spurs in her knee. So should I just hope she doesn't have another ailment to add to it? IDK.
Then I brought mom back to her car, went and got the kids. Went to Christian's doctors office. Got home in just enough time for Lily to complete her homework. Went to church. Went to the park to collect more raffle stuff. Back to the church to get the kids and help in the nursery and now I am home....finally. I am so tired I just want to go to bed.
Check that out though! Uniforms look good this year huh.
I missed talking to you today. I kept hoping you would call. But o well. I hope you had a good day. I love you.
Good night
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
March 7
I'm sorry!
Yup that's how we get started today.
So I finished the taxes. I changed the phone number at the end to mine, since 1) it had your old # and 2) if they needed something they couldn't call you anyway. Soooooo, I get a text while we are at dance "your taxes have been rejected by the irs. check your email for more info." So when we got home I opened the email. There is no way I would have been able to rest without knowing how to fix that. So was because it still had C on there as dependent-not claiming, or however it was. When he should have just been a non-dependent. So I fixed it and resubmitted it. But sorry, I opened your email.
So that was proud moment for me. YAY my boy! Lol
Well, I am going in to the credit union tomorrow to sign all my new hire paperwork. AHHHHH!
I officially start March 7th. So I have 2 more weeks home with my babies and then back to work I go. Well not even 2 more weeks. Less than 2 weeks.
O get this! I had a mini meltdown today. So I call my mom to tell her March 7th she needs to be available to watch the kids. I call her and she can't talk because someone is helping her into the house. She hurt herself at the Y today playing pickleball and can hardly walk. WHAT!!!!!!! How are you supposed to watch Addison if you cannot walk. UGH! So then I had an extremely selfish moment and did not even ask her if she was ok. I told her she needed to figure out what was going on so I could make other plans for the kids. What is wrong with me?! What kind of heartless person does that?! Anyway, so I am taking her to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and if it is bad and she cannot keep the kids Addison has to go to daycare. I lost my head...completely lost it! I don't want her to go to daycare. But then I felt really guilty that I was so selfish when mom is the one that is hurt. So I just need you to pray that she is ok and it is nothing serious so Addison doesn't have to go to daycare. Because that will make my first day to work even harder.
Alright well I need to go to bed. I have to seriously adult tomorrow. Have a good day. I love you so much! Good night
Yup that's how we get started today.
So I finished the taxes. I changed the phone number at the end to mine, since 1) it had your old # and 2) if they needed something they couldn't call you anyway. Soooooo, I get a text while we are at dance "your taxes have been rejected by the irs. check your email for more info." So when we got home I opened the email. There is no way I would have been able to rest without knowing how to fix that. So was because it still had C on there as dependent-not claiming, or however it was. When he should have just been a non-dependent. So I fixed it and resubmitted it. But sorry, I opened your email.
So that was proud moment for me. YAY my boy! Lol
Well, I am going in to the credit union tomorrow to sign all my new hire paperwork. AHHHHH!
I officially start March 7th. So I have 2 more weeks home with my babies and then back to work I go. Well not even 2 more weeks. Less than 2 weeks.
O get this! I had a mini meltdown today. So I call my mom to tell her March 7th she needs to be available to watch the kids. I call her and she can't talk because someone is helping her into the house. She hurt herself at the Y today playing pickleball and can hardly walk. WHAT!!!!!!! How are you supposed to watch Addison if you cannot walk. UGH! So then I had an extremely selfish moment and did not even ask her if she was ok. I told her she needed to figure out what was going on so I could make other plans for the kids. What is wrong with me?! What kind of heartless person does that?! Anyway, so I am taking her to an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow and if it is bad and she cannot keep the kids Addison has to go to daycare. I lost my head...completely lost it! I don't want her to go to daycare. But then I felt really guilty that I was so selfish when mom is the one that is hurt. So I just need you to pray that she is ok and it is nothing serious so Addison doesn't have to go to daycare. Because that will make my first day to work even harder.
Alright well I need to go to bed. I have to seriously adult tomorrow. Have a good day. I love you so much! Good night
Monday, February 22, 2016
well that's what tonight has turned out to be. I was sitting here watching a show and the internet stopped working, go figure. So I'm going to bed...nope! I told you I would finish the taxes. So I go upstairs and reset the router. Crap! I forgot to call the bank for my balance. UGH! taxes tonight. Sorry. Tomorrow for sure.
So I don't know what Christian's deal is at practice because...homeboy CAN throw...GOOD! I forced him to play catch with me to work on his throws. He only had a few issues. But if he just focuses on what he is doing he throws very good!
So I realized tonight while making the menu for the week that I haven't gone to BJ's this month. We have no chicken. AHHHHHH! Well...we have chicken now, after I went grocery shopping. But crap! Now I have to go to BJ's soon. Mom made the comment about it too. "You always have snack foods here. Your pantry is looking so empty" it's not empty :( you just actually have to cook the foods you want LOL
Plus the whole time my mom was here all she drank was soda, and apparently in my drugged state I repeatedly nagged her about how unhealthy all those sodas were, she needs water, and how I'm going to stop keeping sodas in the house if that's all she is going to drink. LOL.
Apparently I'm rude when I'm on narcotics.
So I have definitely created a tiny little monster. Christian asks to sleep with me every single night. Every night. He slept with me last night, and begged until the very last second to sleep with me tonight. But I didn't let him. He does not like going to bed alone. Even when he does sleep with me he is very upset that I do not go to bed the same time he does. I am not sure what has changed with him. I kind of like it though and I totally would let him sleep with me every night if I knew it wouldn't hurt Lily's feelings. But it would and I have to be fair.
Ok well have a good day! I love you so much! Good night
So I don't know what Christian's deal is at practice because...homeboy CAN throw...GOOD! I forced him to play catch with me to work on his throws. He only had a few issues. But if he just focuses on what he is doing he throws very good!
So I realized tonight while making the menu for the week that I haven't gone to BJ's this month. We have no chicken. AHHHHHH! Well...we have chicken now, after I went grocery shopping. But crap! Now I have to go to BJ's soon. Mom made the comment about it too. "You always have snack foods here. Your pantry is looking so empty" it's not empty :( you just actually have to cook the foods you want LOL
Plus the whole time my mom was here all she drank was soda, and apparently in my drugged state I repeatedly nagged her about how unhealthy all those sodas were, she needs water, and how I'm going to stop keeping sodas in the house if that's all she is going to drink. LOL.
Apparently I'm rude when I'm on narcotics.
So I have definitely created a tiny little monster. Christian asks to sleep with me every single night. Every night. He slept with me last night, and begged until the very last second to sleep with me tonight. But I didn't let him. He does not like going to bed alone. Even when he does sleep with me he is very upset that I do not go to bed the same time he does. I am not sure what has changed with him. I kind of like it though and I totally would let him sleep with me every night if I knew it wouldn't hurt Lily's feelings. But it would and I have to be fair.
Ok well have a good day! I love you so much! Good night
Sunday, February 21, 2016
I am ashamed
In two days I have eaten all of the ice cream in the freezer. All of it. I am ashamed. LOL.
I got my new carrier. I love it! Absolutely love it! Love everything about it! It is so soft and snug. It still doesn't feel normal to back carry. Addison seems more comfortable in this on my back than the Ergo but it still felt weird to me. Maybe I'll get used to it. I have to find a way to keep her from pulling my hair while she is back there.
It is so very soft though. I love it so very much!
Omg! So the kids came home and Christian ofcourse was being so sweet. Can I get you anything? Are you feeling ok? And then he does it...he walks right up to me and presses the side of my face so hard. He didn't mean to hurt me but I thought I was going to cry. He felt bad after the fact. He said "it's so fat I didn't think you'd feel it"
Dang kid...hurt me twice :'(
Anyway, nothing else exciting over here to report.
The kids are home...yay!
I love you! have a great day! Good night.
I got my new carrier. I love it! Absolutely love it! Love everything about it! It is so soft and snug. It still doesn't feel normal to back carry. Addison seems more comfortable in this on my back than the Ergo but it still felt weird to me. Maybe I'll get used to it. I have to find a way to keep her from pulling my hair while she is back there.
It is so very soft though. I love it so very much!
Omg! So the kids came home and Christian ofcourse was being so sweet. Can I get you anything? Are you feeling ok? And then he does it...he walks right up to me and presses the side of my face so hard. He didn't mean to hurt me but I thought I was going to cry. He felt bad after the fact. He said "it's so fat I didn't think you'd feel it"
Dang kid...hurt me twice :'(
Anyway, nothing else exciting over here to report.
The kids are home...yay!
I love you! have a great day! Good night.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
It's gone
The dresser is finally gone! They came and got it today! I could not be happier!
I am not sure what to do with myself now that this thing is finally gone.
Day 2 blows. I am so miserable today. Mom is gone. I am just not ready to be an adult again. But it was alright. We survived.
The Orlando competition is canceled. I am so very disappointed. They said the girls are just not ready for that competition. It sucks. I was excited, and I know Lily was excited. But they are looking at replacing it. So maybe we will get one just as cool later in the season.
Have a good day my love. I love you so much!
I am not sure what to do with myself now that this thing is finally gone.
Day 2 blows. I am so miserable today. Mom is gone. I am just not ready to be an adult again. But it was alright. We survived.
The Orlando competition is canceled. I am so very disappointed. They said the girls are just not ready for that competition. It sucks. I was excited, and I know Lily was excited. But they are looking at replacing it. So maybe we will get one just as cool later in the season.
Have a good day my love. I love you so much!
Friday, February 19, 2016
well...I definitely don't feel like I have as much wisdom after that.
It is as bad as everyone is saying. But it's over. I won't ever have to do it again.
Next step braces...which I was told hurt like nothing you've ever felt before. Do you think they can knock me out for those too?
I don't remember anything. I remember the Dr was mad at me, because I got up early and ate. They told me not to eat 4 hours before the surgery. Well I didn't I ate around 6-630. Well I got there early, so they called me back early, and the Dr was pissed. He gave me something to "clear my stomach" then he gave me drugs. The lady said you're going to fall asleep really fast on me so let's get your oxygen put on....and that's all I remember.
I don't remember waking up, I don't remember getting in the car.
I remember waking up in the car and Mattie standing there buckling Addison in.
Then I was out again. LOL
It's funny too because only one side of my face hurts so incredibly bad. The lower right side feels like I got punched in the jaw. :(
Everything else feels fine.
OOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOO I got my planner/agenda that I ordered. IIIIII LOVE IT! I mean I am absolutely in love with it! When I find out if I am going back to work or when I start going back to work. I am ordering the rest of the set to match it. They have a folio, pens, and coffee mug. I want them all. LOL. Sorry. But it is so nice! I cannot wait to put stuff in it.
Not too much more to tell you I think. Today was really hard on Addison. :(
She was so upset that she could see me but couldn't get to me. She wanted her mom. But, mommy was all loopy and hurty. She cried herself to sleep tonight. That about broke my heart. But I couldn't put her to bed...she likes to rub my face when she is getting ready to go to bed at night. Obviously I couldn't let her do that. My poor sweet girl.
Alright love well I hope you have a good Saturday. I love you so very much!
Good night
It is as bad as everyone is saying. But it's over. I won't ever have to do it again.
Next step braces...which I was told hurt like nothing you've ever felt before. Do you think they can knock me out for those too?
I don't remember anything. I remember the Dr was mad at me, because I got up early and ate. They told me not to eat 4 hours before the surgery. Well I didn't I ate around 6-630. Well I got there early, so they called me back early, and the Dr was pissed. He gave me something to "clear my stomach" then he gave me drugs. The lady said you're going to fall asleep really fast on me so let's get your oxygen put on....and that's all I remember.
I don't remember waking up, I don't remember getting in the car.
I remember waking up in the car and Mattie standing there buckling Addison in.
Then I was out again. LOL
It's funny too because only one side of my face hurts so incredibly bad. The lower right side feels like I got punched in the jaw. :(
Everything else feels fine.
OOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOO I got my planner/agenda that I ordered. IIIIII LOVE IT! I mean I am absolutely in love with it! When I find out if I am going back to work or when I start going back to work. I am ordering the rest of the set to match it. They have a folio, pens, and coffee mug. I want them all. LOL. Sorry. But it is so nice! I cannot wait to put stuff in it.
Not too much more to tell you I think. Today was really hard on Addison. :(
She was so upset that she could see me but couldn't get to me. She wanted her mom. But, mommy was all loopy and hurty. She cried herself to sleep tonight. That about broke my heart. But I couldn't put her to bed...she likes to rub my face when she is getting ready to go to bed at night. Obviously I couldn't let her do that. My poor sweet girl.
Alright love well I hope you have a good Saturday. I love you so very much!
Good night
Thursday, February 18, 2016
I passed my test. I am not quite sure how...but I did.
Matt called me today and told me I needed more patience.
Patience? What is that? I am very impatient. This I know...
He said "you thought you did bad on your test?" -well, yea. "I know that test is ridiculously hard. It is designed for you to feel like a complete idiot when you are done with it. Plus, what is up with that time limit. No way you can answer all those questions in 2-3 minutes."
Whew! As long as I am not the only one that questioned my intelligence after that test.
I had other items to share with you as well I just can't remember them now. That was the main thing. Sorry I can't remember the other things.
But I hope you have a good day and I love you so very much!
Good night
I passed my test. I am not quite sure how...but I did.
Matt called me today and told me I needed more patience.
Patience? What is that? I am very impatient. This I know...
He said "you thought you did bad on your test?" -well, yea. "I know that test is ridiculously hard. It is designed for you to feel like a complete idiot when you are done with it. Plus, what is up with that time limit. No way you can answer all those questions in 2-3 minutes."
Whew! As long as I am not the only one that questioned my intelligence after that test.
I had other items to share with you as well I just can't remember them now. That was the main thing. Sorry I can't remember the other things.
But I hope you have a good day and I love you so very much!
Good night
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
the line
So I worked so hard on this stupid schedule and its stupid formatting. I get it adds the two away game. I get the schedule updated and make it all fit on one page again. I print said had a big yellow line right through my graphics.
I was really upset about the yellow line. I considered sending the file somewhere to have it printed or asking coach if he could print it for me. But when I sent it to Brittany she said "I wouldn't. most of the parents will just throw it away and you will have to remind them of the games anyway"
O crap! I forgot about that. Not all parents are as excited about their kid's sports as I am. Ok...well now I am not as upset about it. Still sucks...just not as bad now.
So I also realized that I am not going to be at practice this weekend and raffle money is due on Wednesday. I have only had one child out of 13 turn in their money. GREAT! Just great!
So, Kelly made me some new shirts tonight. I am excited. I was going to take a picture to show you but my phone is dead so I will just send you a pic in the morning. I am really happy with them. I am going to get her to make the girls some shirts too.

Well I talked to Kathi about Stormy being a douche. She said if we wanted she would take him to the next bunny show and try to sell him. She also said she could just take him back and try to resell him and either give us the cash when he is sold or give us another bunny. But idk if I want another bunny. If we are getting another bunny I would rather keep my asshole bunny and see if we can force him to love us. It makes me feel like a jerk if we give him back and replace him. "this one is broken. can I try another please?"
She said she has some teeny tiny ones that we could have. She said they are one 8 weeks old. But I just don't know. I feel bad even getting rid of him. What if he is just depressed. Maybe he doesn't like where his cage is. Maybe he wants to be next to a window or would be happier in the bedroom with me. I will never know if I just give him back. Who knows...I am torn. I like the little jerk, but I wish he liked us too.
So I am terrified of my doctor's appointment. Like 100% terrified. Then I realized tonight...I have never been under anesthesia so that also terrifies me. I understand I won't be aware of what is going on. So I'll go to sleep normal and comfortable. Then I will wake up hating my life because I am in pain? I don't know, and the unknown is what is scaring me. Then, what if mom can't handle Addison? Am I going to be able to actually relax or will I be micromanaging my poor mom all day long?
Ugh! I wish you were here and then I would have so much less to worry about. I could just be a great big baby about myself and not have to worry so much about my actual baby. O will all work right. Hopefully.
Alright well I hope you have a good day. I love you so much!
Good night.
I was really upset about the yellow line. I considered sending the file somewhere to have it printed or asking coach if he could print it for me. But when I sent it to Brittany she said "I wouldn't. most of the parents will just throw it away and you will have to remind them of the games anyway"
O crap! I forgot about that. Not all parents are as excited about their kid's sports as I am. Ok...well now I am not as upset about it. Still sucks...just not as bad now.
So I also realized that I am not going to be at practice this weekend and raffle money is due on Wednesday. I have only had one child out of 13 turn in their money. GREAT! Just great!
So, Kelly made me some new shirts tonight. I am excited. I was going to take a picture to show you but my phone is dead so I will just send you a pic in the morning. I am really happy with them. I am going to get her to make the girls some shirts too.
Well I talked to Kathi about Stormy being a douche. She said if we wanted she would take him to the next bunny show and try to sell him. She also said she could just take him back and try to resell him and either give us the cash when he is sold or give us another bunny. But idk if I want another bunny. If we are getting another bunny I would rather keep my asshole bunny and see if we can force him to love us. It makes me feel like a jerk if we give him back and replace him. "this one is broken. can I try another please?"
She said she has some teeny tiny ones that we could have. She said they are one 8 weeks old. But I just don't know. I feel bad even getting rid of him. What if he is just depressed. Maybe he doesn't like where his cage is. Maybe he wants to be next to a window or would be happier in the bedroom with me. I will never know if I just give him back. Who knows...I am torn. I like the little jerk, but I wish he liked us too.
So I am terrified of my doctor's appointment. Like 100% terrified. Then I realized tonight...I have never been under anesthesia so that also terrifies me. I understand I won't be aware of what is going on. So I'll go to sleep normal and comfortable. Then I will wake up hating my life because I am in pain? I don't know, and the unknown is what is scaring me. Then, what if mom can't handle Addison? Am I going to be able to actually relax or will I be micromanaging my poor mom all day long?
Ugh! I wish you were here and then I would have so much less to worry about. I could just be a great big baby about myself and not have to worry so much about my actual baby. O will all work right. Hopefully.
Alright well I hope you have a good day. I love you so much!
Good night.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Well today was uneventful. Which I know should be a good thing. I got a lot accomplished. Poor Addison was kind of crabby today. But on Tuesdays we skip afternoon nap for dance and grocery shopping. So it is a long day for her. I am tired today. Christian said to me tonight that I need to stop staying up so late and cleaning. He said mom why don't you just clean more during the day. It's not healthy for you to stay up all night.
You are correct tiny human. But what do you think I do all day? I don't sit around and stare at the wall.
We had a fantastically amazing dinner tonight. I don't want to tell you too much about it but I cannot wait to make it when you get home. It is so amazing. Everyone ate every last bit of their food. Addison ate an entire chicken leg. The whole thing! There may have been one or two stray pieces but not many.
Short weeks always throw me off. I cannot believe tomorrow is Wednesday already. UGH! That means only 2 more days until my babies are gone for the weekend and I will be tortured at the dentist. :( I don't wanna do it.
Well I am really tired, so I am going to try and get a little more sleep than usual.
I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you and I miss you so much.
You are correct tiny human. But what do you think I do all day? I don't sit around and stare at the wall.
We had a fantastically amazing dinner tonight. I don't want to tell you too much about it but I cannot wait to make it when you get home. It is so amazing. Everyone ate every last bit of their food. Addison ate an entire chicken leg. The whole thing! There may have been one or two stray pieces but not many.
Short weeks always throw me off. I cannot believe tomorrow is Wednesday already. UGH! That means only 2 more days until my babies are gone for the weekend and I will be tortured at the dentist. :( I don't wanna do it.
Well I am really tired, so I am going to try and get a little more sleep than usual.
I hope you have a wonderful day. I love you and I miss you so much.
Monday, February 15, 2016
So I talked to Mike and April tonight and Mike said he would pop in the garage one day and see if he could figure out what was going on and why they wouldn't turn off. Hopefully that will be something simple that he can fix real quick.
I cleaned all day. I feel disgusting, but the house feels amazing. I couldn't tell you the last time all MY laundry was done.
So I had a nice talk with Mason's mom and she basically said the same thing you did when we talked about it. She asked me how Lily and Christian handled time out, so I told her they don't get time out. I went through what we do when they get in they write out all the things they will lose and for how long and if the situation called for it a more harsh punishment. I forgot that we also write sentences. But I don't think he is old enough for that. Christian barely handles that well.
Omygoodness! So the upstairs is horrible! It is going to take forever to get it all cleaned up. I told Lily and Christian they were doomed if we had an emergency, they'd never be able to get downstairs safely. LOL.
Addison has a new found love for balls. The kids found their bouncy balls that they got a couple years ago. I think mom got them. Anyway, now the balls are downstairs. Addison loves them. She just sits there and excitedly hits them and rolls them around between her legs. It's cute.
I had all these things I felt like I needed to tell you and now I have no idea what I wanted to say.
But I hope you have a good day.
I love you so much!
Good night love.
I cleaned all day. I feel disgusting, but the house feels amazing. I couldn't tell you the last time all MY laundry was done.
So I had a nice talk with Mason's mom and she basically said the same thing you did when we talked about it. She asked me how Lily and Christian handled time out, so I told her they don't get time out. I went through what we do when they get in they write out all the things they will lose and for how long and if the situation called for it a more harsh punishment. I forgot that we also write sentences. But I don't think he is old enough for that. Christian barely handles that well.
Omygoodness! So the upstairs is horrible! It is going to take forever to get it all cleaned up. I told Lily and Christian they were doomed if we had an emergency, they'd never be able to get downstairs safely. LOL.
Addison has a new found love for balls. The kids found their bouncy balls that they got a couple years ago. I think mom got them. Anyway, now the balls are downstairs. Addison loves them. She just sits there and excitedly hits them and rolls them around between her legs. It's cute.
I had all these things I felt like I needed to tell you and now I have no idea what I wanted to say.
But I hope you have a good day.
I love you so much!
Good night love.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
shopping hungry
The Girl Scouts strike again! We went shopping just before dinner. It was deadly. We got all kinds of delicious garbage. Then...the Girl Scouts got us! AHHHH!
We also got several redbox movies. We watched one tonight I figured the others would be enjoyed when friends come over tomorrow
So Lily had her first little crush bring her flowers and chocolates today. YIKES! I felt horrible. I missed it. I was laying in bed trying to nap because this head cold was beating me down. He came to the door with roses and candy and I missed it. But poor little Hayden. Lily said she does not like him. We talked about it tonight and I asked her what she thought. She said "I think he likes me" I said what do you think. She said "Ummmm....I think he is OK. I guess I could like him. But I just don't right now." LOL. She is funny.
Guess who is a big girl and can sit in the front of the cart now. This was the other day. but she sat up front again tonight. She tries to reach out and grab stuff as she sees it. She is liking all of the things that come with being a big girl
These were the other day when we were on the phone. Eating her sandwich.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Sorry that I did not get your stuff in the mail on time.
I hope you got caught up on all the sleep you missed last night and have a good day. Good night.
We also got several redbox movies. We watched one tonight I figured the others would be enjoyed when friends come over tomorrow
So Lily had her first little crush bring her flowers and chocolates today. YIKES! I felt horrible. I missed it. I was laying in bed trying to nap because this head cold was beating me down. He came to the door with roses and candy and I missed it. But poor little Hayden. Lily said she does not like him. We talked about it tonight and I asked her what she thought. She said "I think he likes me" I said what do you think. She said "Ummmm....I think he is OK. I guess I could like him. But I just don't right now." LOL. She is funny.
Guess who is a big girl and can sit in the front of the cart now. This was the other day. but she sat up front again tonight. She tries to reach out and grab stuff as she sees it. She is liking all of the things that come with being a big girl
These were the other day when we were on the phone. Eating her sandwich.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Sorry that I did not get your stuff in the mail on time.
I hope you got caught up on all the sleep you missed last night and have a good day. Good night.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
I cannot even begin to tell you how exhausted I am.
I fell asleep in the parent pick up line...only for like 10 min but in that short period of time. I fell asleep with my face in my hands and it slipped off and I hit my face on the window. It was embarrassing. O well. I was so very exhausted today.
Addison slept with me last night and she didn't sleep real well. She was crabby all day today too. She finally got in a good mood at bed time. Maybe that means she will be better tomorrow. I hope so, I am ready to have my happy girl back. I definitely over committed myself tomorrow. I am going to be so tired tomorrow night. I don't think I will be home most of the day tomorrow. I think I will get home when the kids get out of school. Then only for like 2 hours...then off to practice. For both kids.
Lily has practice...Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week.
Christian has practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Mattie and her kids are sleeping over Sunday.
It's going to be a busy busy weekend. But I am glad Lily's practice is in the afternoon Sunday. That way we don't have to miss church.
Well I hope you have a good friday! I love you so very much! Good night
I fell asleep in the parent pick up line...only for like 10 min but in that short period of time. I fell asleep with my face in my hands and it slipped off and I hit my face on the window. It was embarrassing. O well. I was so very exhausted today.
Addison slept with me last night and she didn't sleep real well. She was crabby all day today too. She finally got in a good mood at bed time. Maybe that means she will be better tomorrow. I hope so, I am ready to have my happy girl back. I definitely over committed myself tomorrow. I am going to be so tired tomorrow night. I don't think I will be home most of the day tomorrow. I think I will get home when the kids get out of school. Then only for like 2 hours...then off to practice. For both kids.
Lily has practice...Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this week.
Christian has practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Mattie and her kids are sleeping over Sunday.
It's going to be a busy busy weekend. But I am glad Lily's practice is in the afternoon Sunday. That way we don't have to miss church.
Well I hope you have a good friday! I love you so very much! Good night
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Well another night of having a bed full of baby.
Poor thing. She was fine most of the day. But around dinner time at church she had had all she could take. So I took her to the church office and they took her temp. 100.4 my poor baby. So we left the big kids at church and came home.
I am learning tonight though that apparently Addison talks in her sleep. Lol. It's quite adorable.
O so remember I told you about that bring a friend night at a cross fit gym I was going to? Well yea...I can't go. Christian has practice tomorrow. :( I am really disappointed. I had been looking forward to going. O well...maybe next time.
Addison is having quite the conversation in her sleep. She is squealing and laughing extremely loud right now.
Anyway, tomorrow the kids have the early morning book fair thing with their father so I need to get to sleep so I can get them to school on time. Have a good day. I miss you so much! I love you
Good night
Poor thing. She was fine most of the day. But around dinner time at church she had had all she could take. So I took her to the church office and they took her temp. 100.4 my poor baby. So we left the big kids at church and came home.
I am learning tonight though that apparently Addison talks in her sleep. Lol. It's quite adorable.
O so remember I told you about that bring a friend night at a cross fit gym I was going to? Well yea...I can't go. Christian has practice tomorrow. :( I am really disappointed. I had been looking forward to going. O well...maybe next time.
Addison is having quite the conversation in her sleep. She is squealing and laughing extremely loud right now.
Anyway, tomorrow the kids have the early morning book fair thing with their father so I need to get to sleep so I can get them to school on time. Have a good day. I miss you so much! I love you
Good night
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
mom fail
my day was full of mom fails. Just a great big MOM FAIL!
But I guess everyone is still living, and went to bed fed and clean. So basically it was a success.
So we had the team mom meeting tonight. So I went to take the meat out before dance, because I would have to come home and start dinner immediately so we could eat and go pick up Jacey to go to the meeting. Anyway, no hamburger meat (taco night). No big deal, I'll just buy some while Lily is in dance. So we walk down to publix, get meat and other things. Get taco kits. WHAT!?! Well...tacos are out. Guess who had Kraft macaroni and cheese for dinner. LOL. I am ashamed to admit we did.
So then Christian was playing with the baby monitor tonight and we learned that Addison's monitor is a 2-way communicator. Were you aware of that?! The past 8 months I thought the button on the side was a channel button, you know for when it has bad reception. I always thought it was a coincidence that she always woke up when I pressed that button. No she woke up because she could hear me every time I pressed that button.
So the team mom meeting wasn't as bad as I expected. I held the kids' allowance hostage until the meeting was over. Well technically I still have their allowance. But I told them I was going to keep it and they would lose all their points if they didn't act right in that meeting. They were ok. Christian was kind of crazy. But I expected that because he was with Dylan. They weren't as perfect as I expected but they weren't bad either. So I have my first parent email all typed up but I am going to send it tomorrow morning. It is kind of late to be sending stuff out now.
We had Tara today. She is the class traveling tiger. Of all days, why today for us to have Tara. So we had to do stuff with her and take pictures. Now tomorrow morning we have to write about what we did with Tara today and how much we love her. Bleh. Now I have to get up morning and be responsible before I want to be responsible.
But that was our o so exciting day. I sure wish the kids had a phone now. I totally could have just left Lily and Christian at home for 45 minutes with a movie. But nooooooooooooo...they have no way to communicate with me if they needed me. UGH!
Anyway, I hope you have a good day! I love you so very much. Good night
But I guess everyone is still living, and went to bed fed and clean. So basically it was a success.
So we had the team mom meeting tonight. So I went to take the meat out before dance, because I would have to come home and start dinner immediately so we could eat and go pick up Jacey to go to the meeting. Anyway, no hamburger meat (taco night). No big deal, I'll just buy some while Lily is in dance. So we walk down to publix, get meat and other things. Get taco kits. WHAT!?! Well...tacos are out. Guess who had Kraft macaroni and cheese for dinner. LOL. I am ashamed to admit we did.
So then Christian was playing with the baby monitor tonight and we learned that Addison's monitor is a 2-way communicator. Were you aware of that?! The past 8 months I thought the button on the side was a channel button, you know for when it has bad reception. I always thought it was a coincidence that she always woke up when I pressed that button. No she woke up because she could hear me every time I pressed that button.
So the team mom meeting wasn't as bad as I expected. I held the kids' allowance hostage until the meeting was over. Well technically I still have their allowance. But I told them I was going to keep it and they would lose all their points if they didn't act right in that meeting. They were ok. Christian was kind of crazy. But I expected that because he was with Dylan. They weren't as perfect as I expected but they weren't bad either. So I have my first parent email all typed up but I am going to send it tomorrow morning. It is kind of late to be sending stuff out now.
We had Tara today. She is the class traveling tiger. Of all days, why today for us to have Tara. So we had to do stuff with her and take pictures. Now tomorrow morning we have to write about what we did with Tara today and how much we love her. Bleh. Now I have to get up morning and be responsible before I want to be responsible.
But that was our o so exciting day. I sure wish the kids had a phone now. I totally could have just left Lily and Christian at home for 45 minutes with a movie. But nooooooooooooo...they have no way to communicate with me if they needed me. UGH!
Anyway, I hope you have a good day! I love you so very much. Good night
Monday, February 8, 2016
I look at pictures when Christian's hair was done and I think I am actually going to miss it. But his hair looks nice now. He says he doesn't want to grow it out again. He wants to keep it short.
UGH! She is just so stinking cute! Even cuter with that little butt up in the air. We lost our socks during that make shift nap time.
Have a good day baby! I love you so much! I miss you! I cannot wait until your side of the bed is filled with you instead of the tiny humans. Good night
Yup...I've created three tiny little monsters. Christian is in our bed again tonight. Addison was there last night. Lily says tonight "why does he always ask to sleep with you? I never get to" I said you've never asked. She said "oh.....well.....can I sleep with you tomorrow night?"
CRAP! Yes...I guess you can but let's try to break this habit.
Well there is one positive to Addison not napping today. Everyone was in bed and asleep by 745. This mom wins. I can't believe It isn't even 10 yet and I am about to go to bed. Woo hoo!
The people called me tonight for the dresser. They were going to come tonight then something happened, they were going to come yesterday then something happened. I want to be nice, and I already dressed the price even more because they're "a friend's family" but man how long do I wait. I guess as long as they stay in touch with what they're trying to do right?
Um, so I started the Lizzie Borden Chronicles the other day. I can't tell if this show is good or just twisted. I think it may just be twisted. Completely strange and twisted. But it is a nice change from the typical girl shows. I guess I shouldn't use the word "nice" for a show like this. Lol
UGH! She is just so stinking cute! Even cuter with that little butt up in the air. We lost our socks during that make shift nap time.
Squash is so good I have to smoosh the seeds all over my face.
Have a good day baby! I love you so much! I miss you! I cannot wait until your side of the bed is filled with you instead of the tiny humans. Good night
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Sunday Funday
Not much to report today.
We overslept for church. It was nice to sleep in. Addison slept with me last night and we didn't wake up until 930 today.
I've created little monsters. Addison sleeps in her little cradle again and Christian is bargaining nights he can sleep with me. Lol.
Well we went grocery shopping and Mattie told me about these scent booster things she puts in her laundry. OMG! I did so much laundry today. IDK how I've lived so long without these things. The clothes smell amazing. Ummm the house smells amazing just using them.
Other than that, it is nice to have the kids home. I missed them.
Sorry I didn't write you last night. I laid down with Addison so she would go to bed and we both fell asleep.
I hope you have a good day. I love you so much! Good night
We overslept for church. It was nice to sleep in. Addison slept with me last night and we didn't wake up until 930 today.
I've created little monsters. Addison sleeps in her little cradle again and Christian is bargaining nights he can sleep with me. Lol.
Well we went grocery shopping and Mattie told me about these scent booster things she puts in her laundry. OMG! I did so much laundry today. IDK how I've lived so long without these things. The clothes smell amazing. Ummm the house smells amazing just using them.
Other than that, it is nice to have the kids home. I missed them.
Sorry I didn't write you last night. I laid down with Addison so she would go to bed and we both fell asleep.
I hope you have a good day. I love you so much! Good night
Friday, February 5, 2016
I wonder when I will hear from them again, and if I will have to go back to the credit union. I really hope I can take the next test from home too. That would be wonderful.
But it was nice we talked about changes he wanted to make. What he expected of me. How things have changed with procedures and how it is going to be a lot more difficult coming back in because so much has changed in such a short period of time. He also mentioned how I wouldn't be working weekends until I was back up to speed...WHOOP! So that will be good. So I don't have to worry about at least the first competition. That eases my mind about that. He also said if I came back before I could get my wisdom teeth done they would work with me to get that taken care of too.
It felt good to meet with Matt today. Like a major ego boost. It was nice.
So I am so exhausted. Went shopping with mom tonight. Addison was so good but man was she tired when we got home. We didn't even get to dinner until after 8. I couldn't believe that. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until we got there. Addison had bacon for the first time. That was upsetting. LOL. I didn't plan on sharing with her. I ordered her eggs and she ate all her eggs...looked at my plate leaned over and took a piece of bacon. She casually put it up to her mouth as soon as she tasted it her grip tightened and she started shoving it in her mouth. There was no taking that away from her.
Well I talked to Christian's coach today to see if he needed help tomorrow. Poor guy. I couldn't imagine how he feels right now. No one...still...has stepped up to help him coach. That has to be a frustrating feeling. Maybe some people will step up after the first practice. Orrrrrrr maybe our team this year will be full of slacker parents and no one will do anything.
Well I hope you have a great day. I love you and I miss you so much! I wish you were home. Cold nights alone are no fun.
O that reminds me. I figured you would appreciate this. Christian and I were all snuggled up on the couch together since he wasn't feeling well. He was talking about how he could feel my icy cold hands on the outside of his I stuck them inside his shirt so he could feel how cold my hands really were. HAHA. He wasn't happy about it. Not at all...he screamed like a girl.
Anyway for real this time good night.
I love you!!
But it was nice we talked about changes he wanted to make. What he expected of me. How things have changed with procedures and how it is going to be a lot more difficult coming back in because so much has changed in such a short period of time. He also mentioned how I wouldn't be working weekends until I was back up to speed...WHOOP! So that will be good. So I don't have to worry about at least the first competition. That eases my mind about that. He also said if I came back before I could get my wisdom teeth done they would work with me to get that taken care of too.
It felt good to meet with Matt today. Like a major ego boost. It was nice.
So I am so exhausted. Went shopping with mom tonight. Addison was so good but man was she tired when we got home. We didn't even get to dinner until after 8. I couldn't believe that. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until we got there. Addison had bacon for the first time. That was upsetting. LOL. I didn't plan on sharing with her. I ordered her eggs and she ate all her eggs...looked at my plate leaned over and took a piece of bacon. She casually put it up to her mouth as soon as she tasted it her grip tightened and she started shoving it in her mouth. There was no taking that away from her.
Well I talked to Christian's coach today to see if he needed help tomorrow. Poor guy. I couldn't imagine how he feels right now. No one...still...has stepped up to help him coach. That has to be a frustrating feeling. Maybe some people will step up after the first practice. Orrrrrrr maybe our team this year will be full of slacker parents and no one will do anything.
Well I hope you have a great day. I love you and I miss you so much! I wish you were home. Cold nights alone are no fun.
O that reminds me. I figured you would appreciate this. Christian and I were all snuggled up on the couch together since he wasn't feeling well. He was talking about how he could feel my icy cold hands on the outside of his I stuck them inside his shirt so he could feel how cold my hands really were. HAHA. He wasn't happy about it. Not at all...he screamed like a girl.
Anyway for real this time good night.
I love you!!
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Lily needs a do over for today.
She came home for the first time I think ever in her entire life and I think that includes calling another child a F-er. She came home on U. WHAT!?! My baby??? LILY??? LILY! Was on U?!
I couldn't believe it. I was mad. I don't think I honestly felt as mad as I should have been. I didn't let her know that. But I was extremely disappointed. Lily has never had a year like this before. This has been rough. So we went step by step...I didn't want her to miss any details. You start your day on O. What happened when you moved your peg from O to S? "I didn't follow directions." Ok I can see that. What happened when you moved your peg from S to N? "I slapped William." What, wait?! You did what?? "I tried to slap William." WHY!? "He had his hand on Layton's book." On Layton's book...not even Lily's book...not even your business. For real Lily. That is a stupid reason to take a swing at someone. You're lucky you didn't get a referral because that's what you deserved. Trying to hit someone. Then what happened when you moved your peg from N to U. "I lied to my teacher's face about hitting William." OFFFFFFFFFFCOURSE you did! Why? "I didn't want to get in trouble." Yea? How'd that work out for you? "It didn't"
UGH! So as you can tell our afternoon was full of lollipops and rainbows.
Then....then...Christian was bugging her so she tried to slam her door in his face her slammed his pinky toe in the door. How only the pinky toe I cannot figure out. But it happened. His poor little piggy is all ugly now. Lily had a rough day. I have never seen her like this. Ever. I am ready for us to be past this phase that is second grade. For her to go back to being the Lily everyone loves and fights over to have in their class. I need that girl back. I don't need this trying to hit people during class kid. That kid can kick rocks. Lol.
But, I'll give her this she knew she messed up and she took her punishment like a champ. She didn't complain, fight, or cry. She got it, she accepted it, and she moved on. So even as bad of a day as she had, that part was amazing to experience.
Poor Christian is so sick. So your side of the bed has been claimed. He begged to sleep with me tonight. He slept with me last night too. But he begged to sleep with me tonight. Poor guy. He didn't eat dinner, he fell asleep on the couch. I couldn't get him to wake up for dinner. When he did wake up he was so upset we ate without him. Apparently you are supposed to starve if he isn't sitting at the table for dinner. But he got over it pretty fast and went to bed.
O so I talked to Matt today. I have an interview with him tomorrow. They are trying to get all this stuff taken care of so I can start March 1. AHHHHHH (insert scared face) Lol.
One positive about starting March 1. I for sure won't work that weekend which means I will have off for Lily's competition in Orlando. YAY!
But that also means I have like 2 weeks to get my wisdom teeth removed. Also I only have 2 weeks left with my baby. That makes me sad. I really enjoy our time together and honestly don't know how either of us will survive the first couple weeks.
But my interview is at 1. So I am not sure if I will get to talk with you tomorrow or not. I hope so. I miss you so much.
I love you! Have a good day.
She came home for the first time I think ever in her entire life and I think that includes calling another child a F-er. She came home on U. WHAT!?! My baby??? LILY??? LILY! Was on U?!
I couldn't believe it. I was mad. I don't think I honestly felt as mad as I should have been. I didn't let her know that. But I was extremely disappointed. Lily has never had a year like this before. This has been rough. So we went step by step...I didn't want her to miss any details. You start your day on O. What happened when you moved your peg from O to S? "I didn't follow directions." Ok I can see that. What happened when you moved your peg from S to N? "I slapped William." What, wait?! You did what?? "I tried to slap William." WHY!? "He had his hand on Layton's book." On Layton's book...not even Lily's book...not even your business. For real Lily. That is a stupid reason to take a swing at someone. You're lucky you didn't get a referral because that's what you deserved. Trying to hit someone. Then what happened when you moved your peg from N to U. "I lied to my teacher's face about hitting William." OFFFFFFFFFFCOURSE you did! Why? "I didn't want to get in trouble." Yea? How'd that work out for you? "It didn't"
UGH! So as you can tell our afternoon was full of lollipops and rainbows.
Then....then...Christian was bugging her so she tried to slam her door in his face her slammed his pinky toe in the door. How only the pinky toe I cannot figure out. But it happened. His poor little piggy is all ugly now. Lily had a rough day. I have never seen her like this. Ever. I am ready for us to be past this phase that is second grade. For her to go back to being the Lily everyone loves and fights over to have in their class. I need that girl back. I don't need this trying to hit people during class kid. That kid can kick rocks. Lol.
But, I'll give her this she knew she messed up and she took her punishment like a champ. She didn't complain, fight, or cry. She got it, she accepted it, and she moved on. So even as bad of a day as she had, that part was amazing to experience.
Poor Christian is so sick. So your side of the bed has been claimed. He begged to sleep with me tonight. He slept with me last night too. But he begged to sleep with me tonight. Poor guy. He didn't eat dinner, he fell asleep on the couch. I couldn't get him to wake up for dinner. When he did wake up he was so upset we ate without him. Apparently you are supposed to starve if he isn't sitting at the table for dinner. But he got over it pretty fast and went to bed.
O so I talked to Matt today. I have an interview with him tomorrow. They are trying to get all this stuff taken care of so I can start March 1. AHHHHHH (insert scared face) Lol.
One positive about starting March 1. I for sure won't work that weekend which means I will have off for Lily's competition in Orlando. YAY!
But that also means I have like 2 weeks to get my wisdom teeth removed. Also I only have 2 weeks left with my baby. That makes me sad. I really enjoy our time together and honestly don't know how either of us will survive the first couple weeks.
But my interview is at 1. So I am not sure if I will get to talk with you tomorrow or not. I hope so. I miss you so much.
I love you! Have a good day.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Well the season hasn't even started yet and I already made Christian cry trying to practice with him. No I didn't hit him. He apparently was very sensitive. I can't even remember what he started crying about. I think I just kept correcting his throwing. He finally lost it "I'm ruining everything!". I was shocked.
But we got past it, and if you can get him to stop "trying to throw is fast" he has a really good accurate throw. But he does that crazy wind up thing every now and then. We'll get past it but I am so excited for baseball! YAY!
O so I talked to Chris today. I was just going to tell him about the credit file thing and see if he would go over it with Susan. But then I told him pretty much everything. He told me not to worry about a thing. He even said it sounded like she couldn't quite grasp how long I worked for the credit union. I tried not to say anything bad. I just said that meeting with her was slightly discouraging, and I told him how she said I lacked management experience and I wasn't currently at work so my request was excessive. He said "ummmm you do have experience and you've been gone less than a year". But I told him it felt like the dedication I've shown and achievements I already made with the credit union didn't matter. So he said not to sweat's all under control. So, I'm not going to sweat it.
But have a good day. I love you!
Good night
But we got past it, and if you can get him to stop "trying to throw is fast" he has a really good accurate throw. But he does that crazy wind up thing every now and then. We'll get past it but I am so excited for baseball! YAY!
O so I talked to Chris today. I was just going to tell him about the credit file thing and see if he would go over it with Susan. But then I told him pretty much everything. He told me not to worry about a thing. He even said it sounded like she couldn't quite grasp how long I worked for the credit union. I tried not to say anything bad. I just said that meeting with her was slightly discouraging, and I told him how she said I lacked management experience and I wasn't currently at work so my request was excessive. He said "ummmm you do have experience and you've been gone less than a year". But I told him it felt like the dedication I've shown and achievements I already made with the credit union didn't matter. So he said not to sweat's all under control. So, I'm not going to sweat it.
But have a good day. I love you!
Good night
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Well....Christian is allergic to...
wait for it....
wait for it....
Absolutely nothing!
Which I guess I should be happy about right? But what is wrong with him?
So now he is on 30 days of antibiotics to see if it is a bacterial infection.
As irritating as it would be that I let him live that long with some sort of infection and how miserable he has been...for forever. It will be nice if he is better.
It also makes me pretty happy that he isn't allergic to any of the animals. That was a big sigh of relief.
So I have my interview tomorrow at 1130. I am a little nervous more because I want to know what it is going to be like. Is it going to be extremely formal. Is it going to be relaxed. That's what I hate not knowing. I don't know what to prepare for.
Alright well have a good day. I love you. Good night.
wait for it....
wait for it....
Absolutely nothing!
Which I guess I should be happy about right? But what is wrong with him?
So now he is on 30 days of antibiotics to see if it is a bacterial infection.
As irritating as it would be that I let him live that long with some sort of infection and how miserable he has been...for forever. It will be nice if he is better.
It also makes me pretty happy that he isn't allergic to any of the animals. That was a big sigh of relief.
So I have my interview tomorrow at 1130. I am a little nervous more because I want to know what it is going to be like. Is it going to be extremely formal. Is it going to be relaxed. That's what I hate not knowing. I don't know what to prepare for.
Alright well have a good day. I love you. Good night.
Monday, February 1, 2016
I am never going back. Those girls are going to have to come here and drag me out of the house to get me to go back.
So my face hurts so bad. I'm just going to throw that out there.
Apparently! My wisdom teeth are causing more issues than just being there. I was not aware that they could also cause nerve issues. Yea...well they can. I had to have some work done on my two back teeth right next to my wisdom tooth. Well they were able to do the one right next to my wisdom tooth, the second to last one...NOPE! Wasn't numb. The dentist was just as shocked as I was. So they gave me more drugs and we waited...numb? NOPE! More drugs!!! Numb? Na uh! This went back and forth a few more times. Long story short I have a temp fix on my tooth because nothing can be done until I have my wisdom teeth removed. I got so many shots in my face it hurts so bad. It still hurts to try and open my mouth. Thank goodness I kept the ibuprofen from when Addison was born.
So I talked to Matt today. He identified himself as the branch manager at the Lakewood branch. He basically said he wasn't sure what my time frame was but he was pushing HR to get the ball moving as fast as possible to get me in there. He said he was ready to have me back, I told him he better have my office clean by the time I got there. LOL. He said "I'm still waiting for Chris to clean out my office." well here's what I'll do. I'll come pack up all Chris' stuff and leave it by the door for him to pick up. Problem solved!
But then I got a call from HR wanting me to come in THIS WEEK! Of course I don't have nor can I find a sitter any time this week. So I have a skype meeting Wednesday. So on Wednesday I have to go to Christian's class early early so I can be back home in time. Which shouldn't be an issue. But I can't not go to Christian's class again.
So irritating news of the day. Apparently Ruben is not coaching a 7u team this year, and neither is Coach D, or Coach Kevin. Sooooooooo....I got the email today that Christian is AGAIN on a team with no coach. I could not be more freaking irritated about that. Really?! I could understand if he was not a good ball player....but....that's not the case. Can he not be put on a team with a coach. I talked to coach D today and he said he may not have a choice but to step up and coach. So we shall see. I am irritated about this though, three seasons in a row he has been randomly put on a team with no coach.
Oh and just to give you an update. For the taxes we are still waiting on the mtg statement and my hsa statement. We an I9 for Mason's account and nothing else. So as soon as I get the missing documents I finish everything for you. I will keep you updated as things come in. I also was able to get all of the issues with your mom's utilities taken care of. But I can give you the rest of the information about that via telephone.
Sleepy time friends. They love each other
just more dinner pics. I love watching her eat and enjoy new things
it tastes good and its fun to throw
dinner so good you gotta lick your plate and I can still see you
Have a good day. I love you
So my face hurts so bad. I'm just going to throw that out there.
Apparently! My wisdom teeth are causing more issues than just being there. I was not aware that they could also cause nerve issues. Yea...well they can. I had to have some work done on my two back teeth right next to my wisdom tooth. Well they were able to do the one right next to my wisdom tooth, the second to last one...NOPE! Wasn't numb. The dentist was just as shocked as I was. So they gave me more drugs and we waited...numb? NOPE! More drugs!!! Numb? Na uh! This went back and forth a few more times. Long story short I have a temp fix on my tooth because nothing can be done until I have my wisdom teeth removed. I got so many shots in my face it hurts so bad. It still hurts to try and open my mouth. Thank goodness I kept the ibuprofen from when Addison was born.
So I talked to Matt today. He identified himself as the branch manager at the Lakewood branch. He basically said he wasn't sure what my time frame was but he was pushing HR to get the ball moving as fast as possible to get me in there. He said he was ready to have me back, I told him he better have my office clean by the time I got there. LOL. He said "I'm still waiting for Chris to clean out my office." well here's what I'll do. I'll come pack up all Chris' stuff and leave it by the door for him to pick up. Problem solved!
But then I got a call from HR wanting me to come in THIS WEEK! Of course I don't have nor can I find a sitter any time this week. So I have a skype meeting Wednesday. So on Wednesday I have to go to Christian's class early early so I can be back home in time. Which shouldn't be an issue. But I can't not go to Christian's class again.
So irritating news of the day. Apparently Ruben is not coaching a 7u team this year, and neither is Coach D, or Coach Kevin. Sooooooooo....I got the email today that Christian is AGAIN on a team with no coach. I could not be more freaking irritated about that. Really?! I could understand if he was not a good ball player....but....that's not the case. Can he not be put on a team with a coach. I talked to coach D today and he said he may not have a choice but to step up and coach. So we shall see. I am irritated about this though, three seasons in a row he has been randomly put on a team with no coach.
Oh and just to give you an update. For the taxes we are still waiting on the mtg statement and my hsa statement. We an I9 for Mason's account and nothing else. So as soon as I get the missing documents I finish everything for you. I will keep you updated as things come in. I also was able to get all of the issues with your mom's utilities taken care of. But I can give you the rest of the information about that via telephone.
Sleepy time friends. They love each other
just more dinner pics. I love watching her eat and enjoy new things
it tastes good and its fun to throw
dinner so good you gotta lick your plate and I can still see you
Have a good day. I love you
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