Saturday, March 12, 2016

night game

I was so excited for a night game tonight. Hooray. Our first game under lights. How exciting. WRONG...just wrong! All the boys were crazy. Just crazy. Wild. They were climbing the fences, running around being insane. Not listening, running in and out of the dugout. I was tempted to lock them in the dugout.
We lost. It was sad. We were doing so well, then we had that one bad inning and that was it, we lost it. Christian got a good hit...but he was chased down and tagged out. It was very dramatic...he wasn't tagged so much as he was shoved down. LOL. He went tumbling down the baseline...was covered in chalk and clay. After that he got a really nice foul ball, but nothing else.
He lost his spot in the top of the line up. He was very upset about that. I am not sure he has ever been at the bottom of the line up.
His coach also yelled at him tonight. Made him cry. LOL. I felt bad for him , but he told him after the game he holds him to a higher standard than the other boys so he is going to be harder on him.

Lily got to spend the entire day at Mattie's house. We went to pick her up from the gym and Mattie said do you mind if Lily hangs out with us so she doesn't have to go to the baseball game. So she got home about 9 tonight. She said she had a good time though. But that means that she didn't get pick out her Easter outfit. Christian picked out everyone's stuff. They all match. LOL. Lily's dress is a little more blue because Christian couldn't find one for her that matched everyone else. But him and Addison will have on the exact same colors. It was very cute. Hopefully Lily likes her dress. Christian put a lot of thought into it.

Anyway I need to go to bed. I am so very tired. Have a great day. I love you!

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