Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Too many kids...

I may have changed my mind about teaching. Now don't get me wrong I had a blast in Lily's class....but then I was asked to sub in Awanas at church tonight. I think I have had my fill of young children for at least the rest of the week. Awanas is running around was loud, and stressful. But most of the kids were really sweet, and I would do it again if I was asked.

So I talked to the military counselor at the school today because she always seems to find me when I am at the school. But I told her I was going to look into a counselor for Christian...well she then pointed out that, that is what she is there for. I wasn't aware of that. So anyway, apparently she is a support counselor for military kids. But she is going to start a one-on-one counseling session with Christian. Hopefully that helps, she said if not she can give me a referral for him to see someone else, but she had some great ideas of things she was going to do with him. So fingers crossed it makes him feel better.

So much for going to bed early tonight. I tried to pick up some tonight. I wasn't home at all during the day today so I am exhausted and absolutely nothing got done around the house. I have so much laundry to put away it is ridiculous...all just needs a home.

O.M.G! So I totally feel violated...and I called the sheriffs office but they didn't seem concerned. Ok so let me give you some background...and I may be completely over exaggerating the situation. But I had to 2 boxes delivered. One yesterday with the kids skateboards, and one today with the clothes from your mom. One box was UPS, the other was USPS. Both boxes were opened by the time I took them off the entryway, and not on the top where they were taped. Both were cut on the side in an inconspicuous spot with a knife or something. Nothing was taken...because honestly it was nothing of value. But I was told I needed to call UPS and file a complaint AND USPS. I just find it hard to believe that coincidentally 2 boxes, delivered on 2 different days, by 2 different companies would both be cut open...just seems weird. But the dispatcher and the officer I talked to both said the same thing. I just need to make sure I am home when boxes are delivered from now until Christmas. I don't think I have anything else out there.

 I just love taking pictures of her eating.
 Goof ball!
 This is the second art contest she has won this year. She is amazing and I am so proud of her.
Their first picture together. Turned out pretty good.

Have a good day baby. I love you!

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