Friday, December 11, 2015

Kindergarten field trip

Today was the! It was a lot of fun though. There were so many chaperons, that each parent only had 2 kids. That was a huge relief for me. So I had Christian and his little friend Adrian. It's funny how you can just make your own impression of a person before you really meet them. Christian loves Adrian...he is a really good friend of his. But ever since he started hanging out with him he has been coming home and telling me all these things his friend teaches him, which I didn't like. So I just assumed this little boy was a little thug, just an evil heathen child. No. Definitely not. He is a sweet, quiet, shy little boy.
But basically Christian and Adrian think it's cool to get together and use swear words. Christian almost got a referral yesterday. His teacher didn't send a note home or anything...I had no idea. It was Christian that told me about it. He said "you can't be mad at me because I am telling you. But I got in trouble at school yesterday for saying bad words on the playground with Adrian" CHRISTIAN MICHAEL! "you can't be mad remember...I'm telling you" ok...I am still mad though. What did you say "Adrian called me a son of a bitch so I told uh, you're a son of a bitch"
OMG! What am I going to do with this kid?!

Then I walk in the bathroom this morning because we all get ready together (teeth, hair, etc) so I walk in the bathroom and her face ALL AROUND her mouth is red. OMG Lily what is wrong with your face "I don't know! I woke up like this (sounding all panicked)" WHAT!? What is wrong with your face? "I don't know! It's all red" Lily...what is on your face? "IDK" It looks like lipstick. "NO!" Is that lipstick on your face "NOOOOO!" Lillian...that's lipstick isn't it. She hangs her head "It's not lipstick! IDK what it is. I woke up like this" Stop lying to me. "'s lipstick" why did you lie? "because I didn't want to get in trouble" o yea? how'd that work out for you? "it didn't"

It has been like that all week. I have one that just openly tells me he is calling people bitches on the playground and one that lies about putting on lipstick. They need to learn which stuff to hide and which stuff is not a big deal. I mean I would rather them not hide anything...but if something was hidden from me this morning I would rather it have been the swearing.

But Lily's appointment for her foot is Friday the 18th. Hopefully she won't have to take it easy as long as the Dr. says because I was talking to mom about it tonight she won't get to use her skateboard on Christmas. So basically she is getting a gift she cannot use...well cannot use for a few weeks. But still that will make her sad.

But I am going to go to bed. I love you and miss you so much! Goodnight.

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