I am never eating bok choy again. It is an evil leafy green and I hate it. Never ever again will I allow that to come in this house. I emailing local fare tomorrow and asking them to never EVER give it to us again. I thought I would be slick and make it a new way. It had great reviews. BLEH! Not from us. Everyone made the same face when they tasted it...but everyone tasted it.

this is what it looks like when you let your kid help cook. I said (maybe I should have been more clear) I said drain all of the water out of the beans and let me know when you're done. I turn my back and I hear beans hitting the sink...I turn around and he drained all the water out. So...we did not get to use the black beans tonight. LOL. Poor guy he was upset. I tried to tell him it wasn't a big deal but he was upset about it. But dinner tonight was a complete bust. Nothing I will be able to make again. No body liked my rice (except me), Lily liked the chicken, no body liked the bok choy. Christian literally ate nothing. Nothing. He tried everything but he ate nothing.
Such a happy girl today. I bet she will be happy when she can sit up. The first thing she does when you lay her down is flip over and try to scoot away. She doesn't go very fast though and most of the time she goes backwards.
So Lily's lunch was good. It was cute. They made hats, necklaces, and moccasins. I recorded their little presentation. I will try and put it on youtube tomorrow.
Sometimes kids suck! I am really hoping he was just tired. But I was putting the kids to bed and I told Christian he needed to pick up his dirty clothes and put them in his hamper. He lost his mind...like literally...I think he literally lost his mind. He freaks out and says he wishes he was dead that way he wouldn't have to live with me anymore. He hates me and he wants to go live with his dad. He would be happy if he never had to talk to me again. From...Christian...I never thought I would hear that from him. Lily, yes maybe. But not Christian. Because I asked him to pick up his dirty laundry...
I just turned out his light, closed his door, and left. It's very upsetting. Kids suck...
Sorry I missed your call today. I was really disappointed. I was in the school. I miss you so much and when things like tonight happen I really wish you were here. I love you! I hope you have a good day.