Tuesday, October 27, 2015

mom takes care of everyone

Moms do everything...for everyone...every time. They take care of everyone when they are sick. But when mom's sick, who is going to take care of her?

That's the question I think I have asked myself one too many times today. Needless to say Christian's funk hit me about lunch time. I feel like death is following me everywhere I go. So after dance and cheer and homework the house looks like a bomb went off and I am in bed. But you know what...I don't care. Luckily from what I have seen and heard this bug is only 24 hours. So maybe...just maybe it will be gone in the morning. I am crossing my fingers and praying the girls don't get it.

Luckily Addison's shots didn't seem to hit her as hard this time as they did last time. She had a small fever and she slept pretty much all day, but that is about it. Thank goodness. I love that her pediatrician is so laid back and supportive. About everything...we talked about different foods to feed Addison and she was very supportive with the route we were going. She was also supportive of her feeding herself if she shows and interest in finger foods. She just obviously said to keep a very close eye on her and make sure her foods were soft. That obviously won't start for a while, but I wanted to ask her while it was fresh in my mind.

So I have found a down side to Addison sleeping in her crib. I atleast was going to start a load of laundry tonight. Well her diapers need to be washed...I was them at night and hand them up in the morning. I can't wash them right now because she is sleeping in her room...and if I go in there I may wake her up.

I don't know what is wrong with my skype right now. I am not getting any of your messages until hours later. The one today I only got because for some reason I was just sitting here and randomly opened the app and then your message came across my phone. Yesterday's came really late and I couldn't believe you were still up that late. I think it was like 7 my time. So I don't know what is wrong with it.

But I love you and I hope you have a good day. I hope I get to talk to you soon.

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