Saturday, October 31, 2015


Well it's days like today that I really, REALLY miss you. The neighbors invited me over, but by that point I had really worked myself into a funk and just didn't want to do anything. I sort of feel guilty that I didn't hand out candy or anything. O year right. Next year we will at least have Lily and Christian because it will be on a Sunday....and of course Addison.

I have nothing exciting to write about over here. Except I finally got that cardigan I liked...not the same one, but similar. The one Christian told me wasn't for me because I am a mom. Well i got it anyway.

Tomorrow is competition day. YAY! They posted a tutorial on our group page in case we wanted to do our child's hair...I watched the video....mmmmmm way I could do that to lily's hair. NO...WAY. I don't even think I could do it to my hair. So I will just stick to the original plan...her dad can drop her off and they can do her hair. The only thing that makes me a little uncomfortable is they are doing all the girls makeup too. So I am just going to assume all those girls are using the same make up brushes? That's nasty...and not very sanitary.
But tomorrow being competition day means next week is our first week in almost 3 months that we will only have dance as a practice. WHAAAAAAA!!!!!! What will we do with all our free time! I bet I can make them clean! That sounds does taking them to a movie or to the zoo sound in return for them cleaning the upstairs? Little do they know they get in free to the zoo the entire month of November so really I will only be spending my time to take them to zoo. Plus it will be fun. But they have to put in the work first. So we shall see.

Well I hope you have a great day my love. I am going to assume I won't get to talk to you tomorrow. Everything that we have been getting about competition says we won't be done until 330 or so. So have a great day and I hope I get to talk to you again soon. I love getting to see you. I miss you so much! I love you! Goodnight

Friday, October 30, 2015

well that was a bad idea

So...home alone (with the exception of the baby, but she doesn't comfort me much) and I decide it is a freakin fantastic idea to watch a marathon of Ghost Adventures. Which, since I am not that bright, I am doing again tomorrow night. Its halloween...why not...sleep is over rated anyway.
But I think I watched 6 hours of I am desperately looking for a Disney movie to fall asleep to. Why do I do these things to myself?!

It took Addison FOREVER to fall asleep tonight. I think I messed up her bed time. She took a nap from 6-715ish. Well she woke up upset, and I assumed she was going to stay up and play for a little while because it was so early. So I fed her and she fell asleep again...I mean she fell asleep hard! I let her sleep on me for a good 45 minutes and I decided to get her dressed for bed. Well that woke her up and she could not fall back asleep. She was very restless and grumpy. But she wanted to be up and looking around. She finally fell asleep just before 10.

That reminds me... I talked to her Dr about the cat naps she takes and how it is really hard to get her to take 3 naps a day even though she seems tired. Well she told me that some babies just don't need long naps. That as long as she isn't a terror, she just may not need to sleep that often. WHAT!? That sounds awful! I mean she isn't bad through out the day, but how will I ever get anything done if my child only takes 20 minute naps?!

So apparently the animals are feeling neglected. As I write to you I have one animal on each side of me. I am trapped in a bedtime sandwich. Whiskey is pressed so tight against me I can barely move.
I am going out with mom tomorrow before the football (tomorrow is going to be a good one) so I will get ya'll some coffee stuff while I am out. Do y'all use creamer or drink it black? How many refillable cups would you like?

But just let me know if you get a chance if not I will get a little bit for now, and can add to it later.
I love you baby! Have a good day!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


That's how the attorney has their name on their binder agreement, and now I want some candy. Stupid M&M. I was on the phone with the guy today though giving him all the information and he was eating something...I could have killed him through the phone. I wanted so bad to ask him if it was good because as loud as he is chewing it must be delicious. But how unprofessional...You work on the phone and you are eating something. GROSS!

Pirate day! I think they turned out cute. Could have been better had we had some pants a little more piratey. O well always next year, right?
Man I was so frustrated tonight. Tomorrow is the story book parade, Lily is all taken care of. Well Chrsitian...not so much. I thought we had a Cpt. America costume and he could use his Cpt America book...hmmmmm no not so much. We don't have a Cpt. America costume and I can't find the freaking book. So then I found one of the Superman costumes...ok cool he can be Superman. Could you believe we have NO justice league books, or Superman books. How do you have TWO boys and no justice league stuff?! So Superman is out. I don't know what we are going to do. I personally want him to dress as a baseball player and take his Derek Jeter autobiography. But I don't think we have anymore baseball pants, I am pretty sure I sent them all home with Mason. I am striking out over here.

 It was so hard trying to take these today. She was not being very cooperative. These are the best ones of like a million that I took.
 She had her little hand resting on her chin like she was deep in thought.

Have a good day baby! I love you!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

pirate day

So I think I told you earlier today that tomorrow is Pirate day at school. So I made the kids pirate outfits to wear.
If I don't win mom of the year this year I am convinced I am never going to win.

Well she didn't sleep very long tonight, Addison is already awake. But she isn't really crying she is just rolling around in her bed fussing. I may leave her alone and hope she goes back to sleep.

But I will definitely have to take pictures of the pirate costumes, I am extremely happy with how they turned out. Assuming they fit everyone tomorrow.

O. I have something to tell you that I cannot put online. I will have to tell you next time I talk to you. It is awful :(

I think I am going to have to go and get the baby she is not going back to sleep...

Have a good day my love!
I love you and I miss you so much! I cannot wait until I can actually tell you goodnight, and go to bed with you again.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

mom takes care of everyone

Moms do everything...for everyone...every time. They take care of everyone when they are sick. But when mom's sick, who is going to take care of her?

That's the question I think I have asked myself one too many times today. Needless to say Christian's funk hit me about lunch time. I feel like death is following me everywhere I go. So after dance and cheer and homework the house looks like a bomb went off and I am in bed. But you know what...I don't care. Luckily from what I have seen and heard this bug is only 24 hours. So maybe...just maybe it will be gone in the morning. I am crossing my fingers and praying the girls don't get it.

Luckily Addison's shots didn't seem to hit her as hard this time as they did last time. She had a small fever and she slept pretty much all day, but that is about it. Thank goodness. I love that her pediatrician is so laid back and supportive. About everything...we talked about different foods to feed Addison and she was very supportive with the route we were going. She was also supportive of her feeding herself if she shows and interest in finger foods. She just obviously said to keep a very close eye on her and make sure her foods were soft. That obviously won't start for a while, but I wanted to ask her while it was fresh in my mind.

So I have found a down side to Addison sleeping in her crib. I atleast was going to start a load of laundry tonight. Well her diapers need to be washed...I was them at night and hand them up in the morning. I can't wash them right now because she is sleeping in her room...and if I go in there I may wake her up.

I don't know what is wrong with my skype right now. I am not getting any of your messages until hours later. The one today I only got because for some reason I was just sitting here and randomly opened the app and then your message came across my phone. Yesterday's came really late and I couldn't believe you were still up that late. I think it was like 7 my time. So I don't know what is wrong with it.

But I love you and I hope you have a good day. I hope I get to talk to you soon.

Monday, October 26, 2015

welcome to the season of sick kids

So I have been hearing for weeks that there is horrendous stomach bug going around. I know so many people that have had it, their entire family has randomly gotten it. I have been thanking God that we have not gotten it. Well...Christian stayed home from school today because he woke up congested (REALLY BAD) with a fever and sore throat. So I figured...allergies right. He has awful allergies. Well by the end of the day he was rolling around on the floor holding his stomach because it hurt so bad and unimaginably sick. I gave him one of the stock pots with a garbage bag in it to carry around in case he got sick. So the entire downstairs was bleached and lysol'd tonight. every cabinet handle, door knob, anything he may have left stomach bug germs on. I am not even 100% sure he will go back to school tomorrow. To make it even better...he has that's competition week, so lots and lots of practice...and Addison gets shots tomorrow so she will also be sick. This week may be my demise.

Sleeping all by her lonesome in her room :(
Somehow the kids changed the temp to now whenever I want to know the temp in her room I have to convert I have NO idea how they did it or how to change it back.
You'll be happy to know we have started attempting to do nap time in her crib too. I read that babies tend to nap better where they sleep. So I figured I would start laying her in there then too. It hasn't worked in my favor too many times but eventually we'll get it.

(that is all only from local fare!)
I think it is safe to say we are healthy eaters. ha! This is all for one week too. Besides the apples which are snack...I should be able to have all of that completely gone by the end of the week.
Lily and Christian don't realize how good they have it. They are doing a canned food drive this week at school. So I gave them some nonperishable items to take. Well that started the conversation on why they can only have canned vegetables and not fresh. So I explained it the best I could. To which our young spoiled little kids said "well I am glad we don't have to do that. I like my vegetables fresh"

O! Lily won the jaguars reading competition. She got a book and a prize. She also has been entered in to win jags tickets. This kid freaking wins everything I swear. I'm going to have her buy us lotto tickets. LOL

But I hope you have a good day! I love you and miss you so much!  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Funday

Well today was a fun day. The kids had a blast. They made Wade ride 4 wheelers with them all day. By the end of the day Wade was sitting on the back and Christian was driving...closely supervised ofcourse. But he enjoyed it a lot. I did it again too...I let them go to my sister's not in play clothes. Well their clothes I am not too worried about. But they wore their school shoes and were all back in the woods in the mud on the 4 wheelers. But luckily everything is washable, so no big deal ultimately.

Well Addison is in her crib again. Tonight was the easiest night yet. She was still awake when I laid her down, and she just rolled right over and went to sleep. It makes me a little sad, but she is doing I guess that is all that matters.

You should see Alicia and Wade's camper...O.M.G! It is like a tiny house! It is unreal! It has a freaking fireplace in it...electric...but still!

Other than that, not too much to tell about. The only bad thing about not being home on my "free" day is nothing got done. But I hadn't been to my sister's in a long time...I missed her.
But I hope you have a good day! I love you!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Pumpkin painting fun

Well we have night 2 in her crib. I also got her to use her pacifier. Woo hoo! So I went and laid her in her crib, gave her the pacifier, and she went right to sleep. PARENT WIN! Yay! She actually used her pacifier all day when she got fussy. Used it for her nap time...when she finally took it. Everything, it was great. I am glad I finally found one she likes, as weird as that sounds. But she doesn't use it often, and it's better than her chewing on her fingers.

She sat up all by herself today I was so proud! We were taking pictures, and I had the pumpkins set up so she could lean up against them. Well she was so absolutely fascinated with the straw that she ALMOST fell face first in the straw. But she caught herself without her hands or anything and sat straight up. It was amazing!

Pumpkin paint was fun! I will have to take pictures of everyone's pumpkins tomorrow. They all did really well. Christian made a horrendous mess. it was bad! I was able to clean up most of it, but unfortunately I let them use my acrylics. I wasn't able to get all of it off the chair :(
I got maybe 90% of it off. I wanted so bad to be mad, but he is a kid....I should have known better. He had fun and you can't really tell anything is messed up.
so here's where I am a horrible person. I laugh every time I see them drop Ainsley on her face.
Yup...I'm a horrible person! Right on her face...
It is hard to tell which one Lily is now that her hair is short. She is one of the only girls without long sleeves on. I read the email wrong. I was so disappointed. Luckily it isn't ACTUAL competition and she isn't in uniform...because they wouldn't let her compete.

I made a delicious treat tonight and it smells amazing. Assuming is tastes as good as it smells I am going to make it again and attempt to send it to you. 
I bought a food storage sealer a couple weeks ago for the veggies and meats. I figured it would help store them better.

Sorry I was so irritated today. I get so frustrated because it honestly feels like since you left I have a harder time keeping them on task. It feels like they respect absolutely nothing, and not being malicious about it. They just kind of float around...drop trash here....drop toys there. They are not, they are not being bad by any means. But come on! Must you drop trash everywhere you go?! I just get so frustrated. I clean everynight when they go to bed, and then they wake up and mindlessly destroy this place.
I will give them this though. They woke up and so sweetly walked the dog quietly. Then they made me and themselves breakfast. Because they said, I always work so hard for them they wanted to do something for me.

Well, I hope you have a good day! I love you baby! I miss you so much! I cannot wait until you are home. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

free friday

It was so nice to have NO WHERE to go tonight. The kids totally vegged out and watched a movie. We had dinner at a normal dinner time.
Lily asked a MILLION AND ONE questions through the movie. I think sometimes she talks just to hear her voice.
what are they doing? why are they doing that? why did she say that? why is she working that? where are they going? are they going to kill her? why do they want to kill her?
wanna know what I think?

I felt bad, I know I should listen to her when she talks but dang kid...take a breath. lol.

It was fun getting to go to Christian's school event today. He was super happy too. He is a big kindergartner though...a lot of those kids are teeny tiny and Christian is HUGE next to them.
O and I got to have the awkward conversations with 2 of Christian's 3 girlfriend's mothers today. I got to hear about how Gretchen and Penelope go home and all they talk about Christian, and how great Christian is. How much they like Christian...

So Addison is sleeping in her crib tonight. She seems ok so far. She is all stretched out in her crib. We'll see how she does...

I hope you have a good day today baby! I love you so much!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

laundry laundry and more laundry

I am excited and disappointed to announce I have absolutely nothing to write about today.

Today was literally my lazy day. I did laundry all day, got it all folded and put away.
But that was about it.
O I did make Addison some carrots. She hasn't tried them yet but we made them. I didn't want to risk her eating a new food at church and being allergic or it making her sick. So she had peaches.

It is so hard to keep Addison happy at the end of the night because she is so tired. I have learned that if you have another baby around that she can talk to she will be ok

So while waiting for Lily and Christian tonight she took several selfies of herself.

I love you baby and I miss you so much! I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

School Project

Well we officially had our first school project with out your help. I think I did ok. I am sure it would have been better had you been here. But the part I am most proud of...Christian's project cost ZERO dollars...yup that's right zero! We spent no money to make this, everything we used we already had in the house. Pretty cool right!? But he had to make a sail boat that actually sails. I was most concerned with that. That we wouldn't be able to make a boat that could stay afloat. But we did. I am pretty proud of it. It's pretty awesome!

 Pretty cool right!? O and just clarify...the thing on the front is the cannon. LOL. I am super proud of it. I really wanted to figure out a way to put my skull on there but I had a hard time writing on the sail so I left it alone.

I'm gonna have to have a talk with Ms. Gretchen. This little temptress has sucked my man in...the only person he needs to love right now is his Mama, and Jesus. We don't have time for girlfriends right now!

The lighting is bad but we had fun taking pictures the other day.

So I started a Bible study with mom on Tuesdays. It seems like it is going to be really good. Hopefully I can keep up though, it has daily work.

 I love you so very much! I miss you! I cannot wait until you are here again! But have a good day baby!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Well today sucked

It is official...I hate the dentist. Now I know why I never go back :(
Only good thing I can say is thank goodness I didn't take all the ibuprofen I was given after Addison was born. Those are a lifesaver right now.

OOOO guess what! I am kind of scared and excited at the same time about this. So Alicia got tickets to go to the Jason Aldean concert on Thursday. So mom is keeping the kids so I can go with her. I am so excited....but so scared to leave Addison. What if she cannot go to sleep. Ugh! The struggle...I think I have an unusual attachment to her. I am sure it will be ok...I hope it will be ok.

So how about the football end of the season party is Nov 21. That is the same day as the gator game we are going to. Mattie was supposed to keep the baby so I could just take the big kids. Now I am losing my sitter AND Christian is missing out on the end of the season party. So that just sucks.

I tried to make you something special tonight but I destroyed it. :( I'll try again tomorrow. hopefully it turns out better tomorrow.

Well I hope you have a great day. I love you! I miss you so much!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Feels like fall

It was nice and cool today. Opened up all the windows in the house and the house stayed a nice 69 all day. Very nice

Guess who finally rolled over today! She acted like it was no big deal when she did it too. But it was exciting. She also tries to push herself up now. She pushes herself up on her knees but will rest her top half on her elbows. So she is not quite strong enough to push up on all fours, but she tries.

found this little gem while cleaning the garage. This was Lily when she was about Addison's age....

I hope you have a good day. I love you!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

end of the season

 Well hopefully you have audio when you watch the video. For whatever reason the speakers on my computer stopped working. But I had my phone plugged in to my computer for a while and now it's not plugged in but my computer still has samsung icons on it. Hopefully it will fix itself when I turn it off tonight.

But because I can't tell if the videos are being uploaded with audio or not I am only putting one on here for now. But it is the one where they drop poor Annabelle. The more I watch it the more it looks like her back spot just doesn't catch her.

Ugh speaking of not catching someone :(
I was watching lily at the football game and Addison was sitting the mat next to me. Well she was sitting up good and the moment I look away from her to watch Lily she decides to fall over. Face first...she was so mad. I felt awful...she had dirt all on her face :(

I am still on the fence with my hair. And it doesn't help that I am already kind of 'meh' about it, well Britt asked to see it. So I sent her a picture and says "CUTE!" then proceeds to tell me in rapid fire text how Nic thinks highlights like that are trashy...and Nic would be so pissed if I did that...what does Steve think....I'm sure he feels just like Nic and just isn't telling you.
W...T...F...hold up! Aren't you suppose to be my friend?! That compliment was followed up with all sorts of criticisms. It felt very rude and disrespectful.
But anyway...I put up a couple pictures below. Literally just a couple.

Well I hope you have a good day off! I love you and I miss you so much! Have a good day.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Long long day

Welp, the last official football practice was cancelled. After tomorrow football is officially over. What will I do with all that spare time!?

So I went and saw Matt and Chris today after my hair appointment. I am not sure what is going on but apparently NOW when things take effect Matt will be taking the lakewood branch. He even said today when I walked in that hopefully next time I come back I will have my stuff to put into my new office. They both mentioned it several times that Matt would be getting lakewood and moving me into his office. So we will see. Part of me cannot wait until that happens and then the other part of me is going to miss the kids so very much! I talked to mom about it too to make sure she was still on board with keeping the kids and she said she would also include deep cleaning the house in her daycare fees. That's exciting! But if anything it was good to get out and see them. I met their new teller supervisor. She seems nice. When I ask how she is I get "she's ok...she's no you, but she's ok."
So maybe after Christmas I will be back at work...

Addison did great being drug all over town. It was funny watching everyone try and make her laugh. She is stingy with her smiles. So watching everyone in her face trying to make her laugh and she was just like mmmm nope not happening. Her little voice is changing too. I can't describe how it sounds, but her little voice is squeaky. Very little girlish.

So eating now with her is like eating with Whiskey. They both sit and stare intently at you while you eat, waiting for a bite. I was holding her while I was trying to eat and she kept leaning forward trying to take bites. Technically that makes her worse than the dog. But it's cute...she's cuter than the dog so it is forgiven.

I hope you enjoyed your little bit of down time last night :)
I love you so much! Have a good day!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

no title?

How day was so boring it doesn't even have a title.

I am so absolutely exhausted! I stayed up way too late doing laundry and now all I can think about it going to bed.

I am so excited! Those front rooms are almost completely done! So excited! I don't think they have looked that clean since I moved in...which makes me a little sad. LOL. I'll get it fixed.

I want to sell the piano...I feel like now it is just taking up space. What are your thoughts?

Christian got hurt at football practice tonight. I am kind of pissed about it. I am sure I told you about the little boy who tackled Christian earlier in the season when they were not practicing and Christian didn't have his helmet on or anything. Well the little shit did it again. Hit him from the back when they were standing around doing nothing and Christian hurt his back. I am actually extremely upset about this. Coach asked him if he was hurt and he said yes. Coach said if your hurt you're gonna be sidelined. So Christian told him he was ok...because he doesn't want to sit out. But tonight at home he was telling me how bad his back hurt and coach told him to put ice on it.

But not much more that I can think about right now, I am so sleepy.
I love you baby!! So much! I miss you!

I hope softball practice was good last night! It was good getting to see you again, I think me being attached to wifi helped a lot. The connection seemed better until right at the end.

But I love you baby! Goodnight!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It has been done

I put these on FB too. I cried. Who knew I was so attached to that little girl's hair. It looks super cute and watching her brush it was awesome, the brush FLEW out of her hair when it got to the end. Because she is so used to there being so much more hair. It was funny. She loves it. I mean she is so happy with it she cannot contain herself. I am still a little sad over it grows back right.

O and the bandage on her arm. Apparently she ate it during run/walk today. I am guessing her shoes were untied...the child is a freaking mess. Her shoes are always untied. But she scraped her elbow. The way she was describing it I was expecting this HUGE wound. "There was blood was bleeding so bad!" No! There is a scratch....a scratch on her elbow. But I bet it hurt, but nothing like she was telling me.

We got Christian's hair trimmed today. The lady said it shouldn't take long for him to achieve his desired look. It will probably look really cute, but he hasn't had long hair since he was a baby so I just don't know. This is the look he's going for
longer little boy haircuts - Google Search:

So we'll see. As much as he wears hats though I have a feeling he is going to realize that his hair looks ridiculous with his hats and want it cut.

Here are their bears. The top one is Addison's. One good thing came from us not getting them. When I called I told them I really wanted a bear for her too so that all 4 of them would have one. So they didn't send the entire pack they just sent her the teddy. Which I thought was really nice. Lily and Christian and Addison love theirs I cannot wait to give Mason his. I am going to see if I can possibly get him next weekend. The only issue is we have "dress rehearsal" for competition. So I don't know how long that is going to take, and definitely not looking forward to having to do it with 4 kids. Because I will not be able to get Lily dressed with the boys. Maybe my mom could watch the boys. But they actually go before the judges next weekend and get their competition routine approved for the competition.

I had all these grand plans to come home and be productive. I am trying one room at a time to really get in and organize and get rid of garbage we don't need. It is moving slow but it is moving. The front entry looks nice. It will look better once it is no longer crowded with football pads and cleats and dirt from the fields. I was to get a shelf or some sort of organizer for the shoes. But I am not to that point yet. I want to get that whole area completed and then look and see if that's still what I want to do. Because I also considered buying each child a shoe rack for their room. I got them hanging closet organizers that they really really like. So that is another reason why I am on the fence about the shoes by the door because maybe they would like their own shoe cubby just as much as their hanging shelves. But anyway...I got sidetracked. I had all these grand plans. I get home and I am flat exhausted. All I want to do is go to bed. So I think I will, seeing as how Addison kept me up all late last night.

I hope your first night in your own room was good. Do you still have a crappy pillow or did you get a new one when you switched locations?
I loved getting to talk to you and see you today. Even if it was while I was driving with a screaming infant in the back...just like being back at home huh? It was nice to have you in the car with me though, it gets lonely only having kids to talk to all the time.
 Thank you for writing me that email this morning, it really made my day. It was nice actually getting to hear how you are doing and whats been going on.

I love you baby so much! I hope you have a great day!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Crop Maze

This picture makes me giggle...Christian's face!

The crop maze was a lot of fun today. It was nice to get out and let them run around act like kids, and not have anything else to worry about. Everyone seemed to have had a really good time. But man they were tired by the end of the day. It was so dusty out there, Addison had dust all over her.
I really missed you today. It sucks doing stuff and you're not here. I know the kids still enjoyed it but it could have been better for me. 

this picture was almost cute. LOL
 Christian's got his eyes closed...Addison's eyes are closed...her dress is pulled up. Picture FAIL!

Lily was mad because you could barely see her
 may have to invest in a selfie stick to fit us all in the picture...JK!
too busy squishing her toes in the straw for a picture

this donkey absolutely loved lily.
 now we have to have a donkey too :-)

we wore her out. shes got her dress all pulled up and everything

Lots and lots and lots of pictures!

If you can think of anywhere else that router may be let me know. I looked upstairs and didn't see it. I am not sure where else it may be.

So Alicia asked me to make her Halloween costume. I am pretty excited! She is even going to pay me for it...WHAAAAAAA!!!!! I may make Addison the same thing Alicia is going to be. It could be cute. We'll see how Alicia's turns out first.

So I should have taken a picture of how big those jeans were now. It's pretty exciting. But also makes me a little self conscious...if those jeans are seriously THAT big on me big was I? Because I did not feel like I was big, and I definitely do not feel like I have lost that many inches...Guess I should start tracking all of that stuff, huh?

Lily and Christian put themselves to bed tonight. It is kind of sad...I didn't even get to tuck them in. They both told me goodnight and went and put themselves to bed :(
It's a sad day when you can't even tuck your kids in bed.

I love you so very much! I miss you and can't wait until I can talk to you again. If you get a chance. I should settle back down into my regular chaotic routine starting tomorrow. I will be out of the gym around 1030. Only new changes are I will be adding an extra hour on Monday and Friday. I may start going Wednesday too I haven't decided yet. But I love you baby! Have a good day!